Going Live with Siebel Business Applications

What's New in This Release

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Migrating Repositories Between Databases

About Migrating Repositories Between Databases

Process of Migrating Repositories

Preparing the Target Database for the New Repository

Preparing to Migrate the Repository

Creating a Source Repository Migration File

Migrating a Repository Using the Database Configuration Wizard

Importing and Exporting Repositories Using the repimexp Utility

Upgrading Mobile Databases

Post-Repository Migration Tasks

Migrating Web Templates and Related Files

Recreating Custom Environment Configurations

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Migrating Customizations Between Applications

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Migrating Parameters Between Environments

About Migrating Parameters Between Environments

About the cfgmerge Utility

Process for Migrating Parameters Between Environments

Running Environment Comparison

Reviewing and Editing a Parameter Migration Script

About Parameter Migration Scripts

Running a Parameter Migration Script

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Rolling Out Updates to Mobile Clients

About Rolling Out Updates to Mobile Clients

Process of Rolling Out Updates to Mobile Clients

Preparing to Use the Siebel Packager Utility

Running the Siebel Packager Utility

About Siebel Modules for Packaging

Making Your Customized Installer Available to End Users

Deploying the Installer Using Siebel Anywhere

Deploying the Customized Siebel Client Installer

Customizing siebel.ini Files

Key Parameters in the siebel.ini File

Major Sections of the siebel.ini File

About siebel.ini File Hierarchy and Organization

Testing an Installer After Customizing the siebel.ini File

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