Going Live with Siebel Business Applications > Migrating Repositories Between Databases >

Importing and Exporting Repositories Using the repimexp Utility

Import and export repositories using the repimexp.exe program only if your migration requires special parameters settings that are inaccessible through the batch files or if you need to perform a file dump. In all other cases, use the Database Configuration Wizard.

For information on importing and exporting repositories using the Database Configuration Wizard, see Using Siebel Tools.

The repimexp.exe program imports, exports, or creates a file dump of a repository. It can also import an INTL table. INTL tables contain language-specific information and are a part of the repository.

To import a repository using repimexp

  • In the command line, type the following:

    repimexp /A I /G language_codes


    /A I = import switch.

    language_codes = a list such as ENU, FRA, JPN. Use ALL for all languages.

    NOTE:  If you want to import your repository with locale objects, you must specify at least one language code. Otherwise, no locale objects will be imported, and the repository will not have any text in the user interface when you compile the imported repository.

To export a repository using repimexp

  • In the command line, type the following:

    repimexp /A E argument_list

    Export uses the arguments listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Parameter Settings Passed as Export Arguments to repimexp.exe

/A E


Export switch.

/U <userName>


Siebel administrator user name.

/P <password>


Siebel password.

/C <ODBC data source>


ODBC data source. The default is the value in the SIEBEL_DATA_SOURCE environment variable.

/D <table owner>


Siebel database table owner. The default is the value in the SIEBEL_TABLE_OWNER environment variable.

/G <language code>


Exports a repository with a specified language or specify ALL to export all languages in the Siebel repository.

/R <repository>


Repository name. The default is Siebel Repository.

/F <dataFile>


Data file, including path, to which to export.

/T <Y|N>


Test only, do not export into database.

/V <Y|N>


Verify data. The default is N.

/N <0|1|2>


Change creation and update information:

0= no change

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