Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide > Host Organization's Use of Siebel Loyalty >

Enrolling Members in Loyalty Programs

There are four types of members of loyalty programs:

  • Individual. This type of member includes people who join programs on their own behalf. They must make purchases themselves to earn points.
  • Household. This type of member includes people who join programs to earn points for the household's membership. Any household member can make purchases to earn points.
  • Account. This type of member includes companies that join programs. The company earns points for its purchases.
  • Partner. This type of member includes companies that are partners that join programs. For example, a dealer may be a partner of an automobile manufacturer, because its customers earn the manufacturer's points when they buy cars. The same dealer may join a loyalty program as a member, so the manufacturer will reward it with points for meeting sales goals.

To enroll a new member in a loyalty program, the member service representative must perform two steps:

  • Enter member information, such as name, address, and communication preferences.
  • Assign the member a user name and password. The user name and password are always assigned to a person, not to a company. If the member is an account, partner, or household, the password is assigned to the person who is the primary contact.

In addition to the four types of memberships previous described, you can create multi-level memberships with parent-child relationships between members. For example, a company could set up an account membership, its employees could set up individual memberships, and by linking the account membership as a parent to all of the individual memberships as children, you could allow the account membership to earn points whenever its children memberships earn points. For information about creating parent-child memberships, see Enrolling Members in Multi-Level Loyalty Programs.

CAUTION:  If you have set up a registration bonus, it will be applied only if the member is enrolled in the Member screen, as described here. If you add new members in some other view, they will not get registration bonuses. For more information about registration bonuses, see Example of Creating an Action-Based Bonus.

To enter member information

  1. Navigate to the Loyalty Members screen.
  2. Add a new record to the Members list, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Member Name

    Enter the name of the member. This could be the name of an individual, an account, a household, or a partner.

    Member Type

    Choose one of the types of members of loyalty programs: individual, household, account, or partner.

    Contact First Name and Contact Last Name

    Select an existing contact or enter a new one. You can associate one or more contacts with a member.

    When you select the appropriate contact in either of these fields, the name is entered in both fields.


    If the member type is account or partner, select the company name.


    If the member type is household, enter the household name.

    Referred By

    Select the name of the member who referred the new member, if applicable.

  3. Click the Member # field hyperlink.
  4. Enter address information for the new member:
    1. If the member type is Account or Partner, click the Account Addresses view tab, add a new record to the list, and complete the necessary fields.
    2. If the member type is Individual, click the Contact Addresses view tab, add a new record to the list, and complete the necessary fields.
    3. If the member type is Household, click the Household Addresses view tab, add a new record to the list, and complete the necessary fields.
  5. Optionally, click the Communication Preferences view tab and enter information about how to contact the member.
  6. Optionally, click the Credit Cards view tab, add a new record to the list, and enter information about the member's credit cards. Two scenarios are possible:
    • Individuals supply their own credit cards.
    • Companies supply a corporate credit card and the name of the employee who has the card.

      This credit information will be used as the default payment method for loyalty transactions requiring payment. For more information about credit card payments, see Siebel Order Management Guide.

  7. Optionally, click the Hobbies view tab, add a new record to the list, and enter information about the member's hobbies.
  8. Optionally, enter the member's travel profile, as described in Entering Loyalty Members' Travel Profiles.
  9. Optionally, track the member who referred this new member, as described in Entering Loyalty Member Referrals.
  10. Optionally, you can also enroll the new member in your partner's loyalty programs:
    1. Click the Partner Memberships view tab.
    2. Add a new record to the Partner Membership list, and complete the necessary fields.

To assign a member a user name and password

  1. Navigate to the Administration - User > Users view.
  2. Add a new record to the Users list, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Last Name and First Name

    If the member is an individual, enter the name of that person. If the member is a household, account, or partner, enter the name of the primary contact for the member.

    User ID

    Enter the log-in name for the user.

    Challenge Question

    Enter a question that users can enter to establish their identity if they forget their log-in name or password.

    Challenge Answer

    Enter an answer to the challenge question.


    Select the appropriate responsibility for member. The responsibility differs based on implementation, depending on the host company's policies.

    For more information about creating new users, see the chapter on user administration in Siebel Security Guide.

Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.