Siebel Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >


Siebel Object Types > Applet > Chart

Displays graphical data within the boundaries of its applet.

Valid Values/Examples

Bar Colors (O)

A list of colors for bars or pie slices in an itemized list of red, green, and blue triplets. The first triplet specifies the color for the first series, the second triplet for the second series, and so on. If the list contains fewer triplets than series members, the list of colors repeats.

Up to 15 triplets can be specified. Each number in a triplet must be between 0 and 255; for example, 128 0 0, 0 128 0, 0 0 128.

The default value is 0 255 0,0 0 255,255 0 0,255 0 255,255 255 0,0 255 255,255 0 128,255 128 0,0 255 128,128 0 255,255 255 128,128 255 255,128 128 64,128 64 128,64 128 128.

Category Captions (O)

Caption for the x-axis.


Category Field (R)

When the business components records are scanned, the different values found in this field get mapped into different categories. These values are displayed on the chart's x-axis labels.

For more information, read Category Field.


Compare (O)(H)

Obsolete. Do not use.

Not applicable.

Data Function (O)

An operation to perform on the data.

If COUNT is the only data function you want to apply to the chart (because the Picklist Functions property is empty), you can achieve better performance by not specifying a Data Point Field property value.

For more information, read Data Function.

COUNT — Counts the number of records.

SUM — Sums the specified field values across all records in the category.

AVERAGE — Calculates the average value for each record of the specified field.

PLOT — Plots all cell values. When a cell in the logical table does not have a value, the chart's value is set to NULL instead of 0.

Data Point Captions (O)

Caption for the y-axis.


Data Point Field (O)

A field to be charted whose data gets plotted on the y-axis. If this property is not specified, then specify COUNT as the Data Function value.

For more information, read Data Point Field.


Editable (O)

Obsolete. Do not use.

Not applicable.

Invert (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value that indicates if the x-axis and z-axis, and their labels and titles, can be flipped.

Selecting a By picklist item changes this property (except in period charts, where it changes the period on the x-axis).

TRUE — Flips the x-axis, z-axis, labels, and titles. This may be useful for getting a different view of the data.

FALSE — Does not flip the x-axis, z-axis, labels, and titles.

Multi Data Point (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value that plots multiple line-graph curves against the same y-axis based on different source field/function combinations. The name for each curve appears in the legend.

To accomplish this, you need to set the following property values in the chart object definition: Data Point Field, Data Function, Picklist Functions, and Multi Data Point.

TRUE — Plot multiple curves.

FALSE (default) — Multiple curves not plotted.

Name (R)

The name of the chart.


Period (O)

The default period for this chart, either a calendar period or a user-defined period.

If this property is specified, the field type of the Category business component must be Date or DateTime.

A user-defined period can be any period defined in the Period business component, such as fiscal month, quarter, and year. For user-defined periods to work in a chart, the Period business component must be added to the current business object.

Valid values are Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year.

Picklist Function Captions (O)

Captions for the list of functions used by the y-axis.


Picklist Functions (O)

The data functions to list in the applet's Show picklist.

To suppress a function in the picklist, do not specify a string in the position of that function.

For more information, read Picklist Functions.

By default, none is specified and the picklist does not appear in the applet.

This property accepts a comma-separated list of y-axis titles, which are also the entries that appear in the picklist. The order of titles in the comma-separated list determines the association of each with a data point field and data function in the corresponding positions in the Data Point Field and Data Function properties.

Example: Number of Opportunities, Opportunity Revenue, Average Revenue.

Picklist Period Captions (O)

Captions for the list of date periods used by the x-axis.


Picklist Periods (O)

A comma-separated list of possible periods that appears in a picklist in the applet.

Do not put a space after a comma in the list of values.

For user-defined periods (fiscal periods) to work in a chart, the Period business component should be added to the current business object.

If not specified, a period picklist does not appear.

Examples: Month(Calendar),
Quarter (Calendar), Year(Calendar),Day,Week,Month,

Picklist Type Captions (O)

Captions for the types of charts.


Picklist Types (O)

A comma-separated list of valid chart types other than 2dScatter, 3dScatter, or Combo (these three chart types are treated specially and can be specified only in the Type property). This property specifies which chart types are listed in the applet's picklist.

Do not put a space after a comma in the list of values.

For a list of chart types, read the description of the Type property.

If not specified, a picklist does not appear.

Example: 2dBar,3dBar.

Selection Based (O)

A TRUE or FALSE property that specifies whether to chart only the currently active record in the business component.

TRUE — Chart only the currently active record in the business component.

FALSE — Chart all records in the business component.

Series Captions (O)

Caption for the z-axis.


Series Field (O)

Specifies a field for z-axis labels. When scanning the business component's records, Siebel applications map the different values found in this field into different series. These values are displayed on the chart's z-axis labels.

When no series is specified, all of the records are mapped into a single series.

For more information, Series Field.


Type (O)

The type of chart to be displayed.

For combo charts, a Data Point Field must be specified. Its Sum (Data Function) displays on the y-axis and its Count displays on the second y-axis.

For 2dScatter and 3dScatter charts, the Coordinates property for the axis label of the x-axis must be specified (see the Chart Element object type).

Valid values include:

  • 2dBar, 3dBar, 2dStackedBar, 3dStackedBar, 2dLine, 3dLine, Combo, 2dHorizBar, 3dHorizBar, 2dCube, 3dCube
  • 3dClusteredBar, 2dPie, 3dPie, 2dDoughnut
  • 2dScatter, 3dScatter, 2dSpline, 3dSpline

Use Category MVGroup Data (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE — If the category field is a multivalue group (MVG), Siebel applications must obtain the charting data from the field.

NOTE:  You cannot use the Data Function, Data Point Captions, and Data Point Field properties when setting this property to TRUE.

FALSE (default) — Use the value listed in the business component.

Comma-Separated Lists

When specifying a comma-separated list of values, do not include a space after the comma.

Category Field

If the Category Field property contains the name of a field from the business component, the x-axis labels are derived from the contents of that field. The By picklist in this case offers the choice between using the x-axis or the z-axis to display the field values.

If the Category Field property contains a comma-separated list of field names, the user is provided with this list of fields at run time in the By picklist. The user's selection determines the field that populates the x-axis. The first value in the comma-separated list is the default. Avoid blank spaces before or after field names. The properties of the chart element that apply to the axis label for the x-axis (Coordinates, Display Format, Divisions, List Of Values, Sort Specification, and Text) should not be used when specifying a list of x-axis source fields, as they can only be relevant for one x-axis field.

If a new field is created in the business component on which the chart is based, and this new field is mapped on to a Calculated field in another business component through a multi-value link and this same new field is used as a category field for the chart, then the drilldown on the chart breaks. The drilldown breaks because the Calculated field cannot preserve the context.

Data Function

The Show picklist can be configured to display a selection list of field/function combinations, the selection from which determines what values are plotted along the y-axis. To configure this, a comma-separated list is entered in the Data Point Field, Data Function, and Picklist Functions properties. In the Data Function property, the comma-separated list consists of SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, and PLOT entries. If the Data Function property is empty or shorter than the Picklist Functions list, the list Sum,Count,Average,Plot is used.

Multiple line-graph curves can be plotted against the same y-axis, based on different source field/function combinations. The name for each curve appears in the legend. To accomplish this, set the following property values in the chart object definition: Data Point Field, Data Function, Picklist Functions, Category Field, and Multi Data Point (Series Field must be empty). In the Data Function property, provide a comma-separated list consisting of the following function names: SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, and PLOT.

Two line-graph curves can appear in the same chart, plotted against different y-axes (one to the left of the graph, the other to the right). To accomplish this, in the Data Function property specify two functions, separated by a comma. The first is for the left y-axis, the second is for the right y-axis. You also must specify two fields in the Data Point Field property.

Data Point Field

The Show (ChartPickfunction) picklist can be configured to display a selection list of field/function combinations, the selection from which determines what values are plotted along the y-axis. To configure this, a comma-separated list is entered in the Data Point Field, Data Function, and Picklist Functions properties. In the Data Point Field property, the comma-separated list consists of the names of source fields, one for each entry that is to appear in the Show picklist. The first entry in the list is the default. If only one field is specified, all entries in the Show picklist use the same field.

Multiple line-graph curves can be plotted against the same y-axis, based on different source field/function combinations. The name for each curve appears in the legend. To accomplish this, set the following property values in the chart object definition: Data Point Field, Data Function, Picklist Functions, Category Field, and Multi Data Point (Series Field must be empty). In the Data Point Field property, provide a comma-separated list of source fields, one for each curve to appear in the graph.

Two line-graph curves can appear in the same chart, plotted against different y-axes (one to the left of the graph, the other to the right). To accomplish this, in the Data Point Field property specify two fields, separated by a comma. The first is for the left y-axis, the second is for the right y-axis.

Picklist Functions

The Show (ChartPickfunction) picklist can be configured to display a selection of Field/function combinations, the selection from which determines what values are plotted along the y-axis. To configure this, a comma-separated list is entered in the Data Point Field, Data Function, and Picklist Functions properties. In the PicklistFunctions property, the comma-separated list consists of y-axis titles, which are also the text that appears in the picklist. The list of titles needs to have the same number of entries as the Data Point Field list.

Multiple line graph curves can be plotted against the same y-axis, based on different source field/function combinations. The name for each curve appears in the legend. To accomplish this, set the following property values in the Chart object definition: Data Point Field, Data Function, Picklist Functions, Series Field, and Multi Data Point. In the Picklist Functions property, provide a comma-separated list of the y-axis titles, which are what identify the individual curves in the legend.

Series Field

If the Series Field property contains the name of one field from the business component, the z-axis labels are derived from the contents of that field.

If the Series Field property contains a comma-separated list of field names, the user is provided with this list of fields at run time in the second By picklist. The user's selection determines the field that populates the z-axis. The first value in the comma-separated list is the default. The properties of the chart element that apply to the axis label for the z-axis (Coordinates, Display Format, Divisions, List Of Values, Sort Specification, and Text) should not be used when specifying a list of z-axis source fields, as they can only be relevant for one z-axis field.

See Also

Applet Method Menu Item
Applet Script (H)
Applet Toggle

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