Siebel Performance Tuning Guide > Tuning Siebel Configurator for Performance >

About Siebel Configurator Caching

Siebel Configurator supports a number of types of caching of customizable product information, to optimize response time for configuration-session users. Caching options include:

  • Caching in memory

    Siebel Configurator caches versions of customizable products, product classes, and attribute definition objects in memory. When the size limit for this cache is reached, the versions of the objects that were least recently used are discarded. For more information, see Default Caching Behavior for Siebel Configurator.

  • Caching in the Siebel Configurator File System

    This directory caches versions of the customizable products, product classes, and attribute definition objects that were loaded into memory. This is default behavior. For more information, see Default Caching Behavior for Siebel Configurator.

  • In addition to the above caching options, you can also specify which server or component caches versions of customizable products, product classes, and attribute definition objects.

    The specified cache can be updated at regular intervals. Using these options can improve response times to requests for a specific customizable product. For more information, see Cache Management for Siebel Configurator.

NOTE:  The memory resources for your Siebel Configurator server machine must be sufficient to support your caching requirements.

In addition to the topics referred to previously, this section includes the following topics:

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