Siebel Public Sector Guide > Managing Immigration Contacts >

Administering Immigration Contact Records

This task is a step in Process of Managing Immigration Contacts.

Immigration Contacts are added as Identities. To maintain the integrity of the contact and identities data, only an administrator may remove a contact or identity record from the database.

Identities have a Status of Active, Inactive or To be deleted. There can only be one designated Primary record. However, more than one identity record can have a status of Active.

For a typical user, after an identity record is added and saved no other modifications to the record is permitted, except in the status field. For example, if Divorced is selected in the identity record's Marital Status field, and the record is saved, the user cannot then change the Marital Status value to Separated.

After an identity's status is changed to To be deleted, and saved, no additional status changes are permitted. For example, the user cannot change the status from To be deleted to Active or Inactive.

However, the user with Identities Administration, or Immigration Contacts Administration privileges can make changes to contact and identity record field values, and manually delete contacts as needed.

To administer a contact identity record

  1. Navigate to the Immigration Contacts Home screen, and query for the contact.
  2. Perform one of the following steps:
    1. From the Identities view, select Identities Administration from the visibility filter, and from the Identities Administration list, select the identity record, and then modify the record or click Delete.
    2. From the Immigration Contacts view, select Immigration Contacts Administration from the visibility filter, select the contact in the list, and then modify the record or click Delete.

To administer a credential record

  1. Navigate to the Immigration Contacts screen > Credentials view.
  2. From the Credentials list, choose Credentials Administration from the visibility filters.
  3. From the Credentials Administration list select the credential record, and then modify the record or click Delete.
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