Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Using Composite Datastreams in Reports > Process of Using Composite Datastreams in a Report >

Modifying the Master Datastream Component

This task is a step in Process of Using Composite Datastreams in a Report.

In this topic, you modify the master datastream component so that it can obtain the data for its data row component from the global data row variable. This is accomplished by overriding the Fetch method on the master datastream.

After determining the fetched record is not empty, the code in the Fetch method sets the MasterRow global variable to the contents of the row returned by the Super::Fetch operation. Each time a master datastream record is obtained, the record in memory in MasterRow is replaced.

To override the Fetch method on the master datastream

  1. Click the master datastream tree.

    In the Quotestd.rod report, this is ssQuoteQueryAddGlobalRow.

  2. In the Properties window, choose the Methods tab.
  3. Double-click the Function Fetch() As AcDataRow function.
  4. In the Method Editor window, replace the existing code with the following code:

       Function Fetch( ) As AcDataRow

       Dim aMasterRow As ssQuoteDataRow

          Set aMasterRow = Super::Fetch( )

          If aMasterRow Is Nothing Then

             Exit Function

          End If

          Set MasterRow = aMasterRow

          Set Fetch = MasterRow

       End Function

    If you are using other than ssQuoteDataRow, replace the appropriate master data row name.

  5. From the application-level menu, choose File, and then Save.
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