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About Using Graphics in Reports

A chart is a control that is positioned in a content frame. A chart control in a content frame in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional is shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15. Design Editor Displaying a Graph Control in a Frame
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In a report that provides only a chart and no textual data, the chart control occupies the entirety of the main content frame in the report section. Another option is to place a chart control in the After frame in a report that has a group break, in which case the chart appears after each group of text rows.

Charts used in reports fall into two categories, depending on the relationship between bars or curve points and the underlying data, as follows:

  • Detail charts. Each data point is plotted individually as a curve point or a bar. Both the x- and y-axes must be numeric. Detail charts have limited utility and are generally used only for scatter charts. Detail charts are based on the acDetailChart class in the Actuate Foundation Class (AFC) library.

    NOTE:  The use of a component from the AFC library, rather than the sscustom library, is an exceptional situation and applies only to detail charts. AFC components must not be used directly in Siebel reports except in this specific situation.

  • Summary charts. All data points in a given classification are combined, and an aggregate value is plotted for each curve point or bar. Summary charts support plotting data series, in which one set of bars or line chart points is provided for each legend label. They also support text label and date values on the x-axis. Summary charts are based on the ssSummaryGraph class in the sscustom library.

In either case, the component is dragged onto an empty frame, and the properties are set to configure the use of data. A detail chart control can be added from the Chart button. A summary chart must be added from the Library Browser window for the sscustom library.

NOTE:  A third chart type, HLC (high-low-close), is also available, but is not described in this chapter. An HLC chart is added using the chart button, and you select the AcHLCChart class when prompted.

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