Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide > Configuring Client-Side Logging for Siebel Applications Running in High-Interactivity Mode >

Examples of Log Files for Client-Side Logging for High-Interactivity Applications

This topic provides excerpts of sample log files and examples of log file information for client-side logging for Siebel applications running in high-interactivity mode. For more information about the elements in these log files, see About SiebelLogs Log Files. To view a sample log file, see Figure 16.

Example of a Log File When a Client Stops Responding

The following log file information is an example of what is written to the SiebelLogs log file when a client stops responding. See Table 46 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a category of TRACE_ERROR with a log level value of 0.

TRACE_AREA_OM TRACE_ERROR 0 14 2007-04-12 14:40:07.738 axapp.cpp(4028)CSSAxApp::CallRPC - User session has timed out.

Table 46. Sample Log File When a Client Stops Responding
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2007-04-12 14:40:07.738

Date and time of log file

axapp.cpp(4028)CSSAxApp::CallRPC - User session has timed out.

Log file message

Example of a Log File When a Required Field on an Applet Is Not Provided

The following log file is an example of the information that is written to the SiebelLogs log file when a user does not enter a value in the required field on an applet. See Table 47 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a category of TRACE_INFO with a log level value of 2.

TRACE_AREA_OM TRACE_INFO 2 17 2007-04-12 15:14:45.946 axobjectbase.cpp(431)'Name' is a required field. Please enter a value for the field.(SBL-DAT-00498)

Table 47. Sample Log File When a Required Field on an Applet Is Not Provided
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2007-04-12 15:14:45.946

Date and time of log file

axobjectbase.cpp(431)'Name' is a required field. Please enter a value for the field.(SBL-DAT-00498)

Log file message

Example of a Log File When an eScript Business Service Is Called on a View

The following log file information is an example of what is written to the SiebelLogs log file when an eScript business service is called on a view. See Table 48 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a category of TRACE_DETAIL with a log level value of 3.

TRACE_AREA_CACHE TRACE_DETAIL 3 10 2007-04-12 15:14:00.822
axapp.cpp(2214)Queried view layout cache for view Call_JS_Acc

Table 48. Sample Log File When an eScript Business Service Is Called on a View
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2007-04-12 15:14:00.822

Date and time of log file

axapp.cpp(2214)Queried view layout cache for view Call_JS_Acc

Log file message

Example of a Trace Event Log Sequence

The following log file is an example of the information written to the SiebelLogs log file to show the state of an application before it goes into a busy state, thus allowing you to track the sequence of events and diagnose any errors:

TRACE_AREA_OM TRACE_INFO 2 0 2007-04-12 14:21:18.514 axapp.cpp(9534)*** CSSAxApp::ProcessObjectInfo() ends! ***

TRACE_AREA_BRWS TRACE_INFO 2 0 2007-04-12 14:21:19.706 axcmdmgr.cpp(2470)Browser DocumentComplete is called

TRACE_AREA_BRWS TRACE_INFO 2 0 2007-04-12 14:21:19.716 axcmdmgr.cpp(2659)Browser DownloadBegin is called

TRACE_AREA_BRWS TRACE_INFO 2 0 2007-04-12 14:21:19.856 axcmdmgr.cpp(2545)Browser NavigateComplete2 is called

TRACE_AREA_BRWS TRACE_INFO 2 0 2007-04-12 14:21:20.047 axcmdmgr.cpp(2383)Browser BeforeNavigate2 is called with URL http://sdchs21n110/sales_enu/start.swe?SWENeedContext=false&SWECmd=GetCachedFrame&SWEACn=1912&SWEC=3&SWEFrame=top._sweclient._sweappmenu&SWEBID=-1&SWETS=

TRACE_AREA_BRST TRACE_INFO 2 0 2007-04-12 14:21:20.047 axcmdmgr.cpp(2969)Entering Busy state

Example of a Control Log File

The following log file displays the information that is written to the SiebelLogs log file when a control is accessed by way of the user interface. In this example, a TRACE_AREA_GENCTL event is created when a user right-clicks using a mouse. See Table 49 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a category of TRACE_INFO with a log level value of 3.

TRACE_AREA_GENCTL TRACE_INFO 3 0 2004-06-10 16:28:01.121 listctrl.cpp(1957): User right-clicked.

Table 49. Sample Control Log File
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2004-06-10 16:28:01.121

Date and time of log file

listctrl.cpp(1957): User right-clicked

Log file message

Example of Client Startup Log File

The following log file displays the information that is written to the SiebelLogs log file when a client starts up. In this example, two TRACE_AREA_REQ trace areas are created: one for the start of operation, and one for the end of operation. See Table 50 for a detailed description of this sample output. These trace events have a category of TRACE_INFO with a log level value of 3.

Start of operations

The following indicates the start of operations:

TRACE_AREA_REQ TRACE_INFO 3 0 2004-06-10 16:28:01.123 axappp.cpp(9231): Begin sending RPC

NOTE:  RPC stands for remote procedure call. This call enhances performance between the application server and the client. RPC is supported only for applications running in high-interactivity mode.

End of operations

The following indicates the end of operations:

TRACE_AREA_REQ TRACE_INFO 3 0 2004-06-10 16:28:05.234 axappp.cpp(9232): Completed RPC request.

Table 50. Sample Client Startup Log File
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2004-06-10 16:28:05.234

Date and time of log

axappp.cpp(9232): Completed RPC request.

Log message

Example of a GET Request Log File

The following log file information is an example of a get request to the server and the information that is written to the SiebelLogs log file when a user navigates from one view to another within an application. See Table 51 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a category of TRACE_DETAIL with a log level value of 4:

TRACE_AREA_REQ TRACE_DETAIL 4 0 2004-06-10 16:28:01:235 axapp.cpp(9236):[155]GET query string: SWECmd=GetCachedFrame&SWEACn=5114&SWEC=3&SWEFrame= top._swe.

Table 51. Sample Get Request Log File
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2004-06-10 16:28:01:235

Date and

axapp.cpp(9236):[155]GET query string: SWECmd=GetCachedFrame&SWEACn=5114&SWEC=3&SWEFrame= top._swe

Log file message

Example of a POST Request Log File

The following log file is an example of the information that is written to the SiebelLogs log file when a post request is sent to a server. In this example, a TRACE_AREA_REQ trace area is created for the post request. See Table 52 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a category of TRACE_DETAIL with a log level value of 4.

TRACE_AREA_REQ TRACE_DETAIL 4 0 2004-06-10 16:28:01:235 axapp.cpp(9236):[155] POST: data=field1=<data>&field2=<data>...

Table 52. Sample Post Request Log File
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2004-06-10 16:28:01:235

Date and time of log file

axapp.cpp(9236):[155] POST:data=field1=<data>&field2=<data>...

Log file message

Example of a String Cache Operations Log File

The following log file displays the information that is written to the SiebelLogs log file when view layout caching is complete. In this example, a TRACE_AREA_CACHE trace area is created for the view layout cache. See Table 53 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a category of TRACE_DETAIL with a log level value of 4:

TRACE_AREA_CACHE TRACE_DETAIL 4 0 2004-06-10 16:28:01:435 axapp.cpp(9252): Queried view for layout cache for view Order Entry List View

Table 53. Sample String Cache Operations Log File
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2004-06-10 16:28:01:435

Date and time of log file

axapp.cpp(9252): Queried view for layout cache for view Order Entry List View

Log file message

Example of Busy State Log File

The following log file information displays what is written to the SiebelLogs log file when the browser enters a busy state. In this example, a TRACE_AREA_BRST trace area is created for the busy state. See Table 54 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a category of TRACE_DETAIL with a log level value of 4:

TRACE_AREA_BRST TRACE_DETAIL 4 0 2004-06-10 16:28:435 axapp.cpp(5122): Entering busy state

Table 54. Sample Busy State Log File
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2004-06-10 16:28:435

Date and time of log file

axapp.cpp(5122): Entering busy state

Log file message

Example of a JavaScript Error Message Log File

The following log file is an example of a message from JavaScript code and the information that is written to the SiebelLogs log file when the object manager fails, a session has timed out, or a request could not be processed. See Table 55 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a log level value of 1:

TRACE_AREA_JAVA 1 0 2004-06-10 16:28:09:435 axapp.cpp(5129):SBL-UIF-00335: We are unable to process your request. (This is most likely because you used the browser BACK or REFRESH button to get to this point)

Table 55. Sample JavaScript Error Message Log File
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event category level



2004-06-10 16:28:09:435

Date and time of log file

axapp.cpp(5129):SBL-UIF-00335: We are unable to process your request. (This is most likely because you used the browser BACK or REFRESH button to get to this point)

Log file message

Example of a Browser Operation Log File

The following log file is an example of a browser event handler and the information that is written to the SiebelLogs log file when the browser is maximized, minimized, or closed. See Table 56 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a category of TRACE_INFO with a log level value of 3.

TRACE_AREA_BRWS TRACE_INFO 3 0 2004-06-10 16:28:09:435 axapp.cpp(5102): Browser minimized.

Table 56. Sample Browser Operation Log File
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2004-06-10 16:28:09:435

Date and time of log file

axapp.cpp(5102): Browser minimized.

Log file message

Example of a View Layout Log File

The following log file is an example of the information that is written to the SiebelLogs log file when a view layout is rendered from memory, the hard disk, or the server. See Table 57 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a category of TRACE_DETAIL with a log level value of 4:

TRACE_AREA_LAYOUT TRACE_Detail 4 0 2004-06-10 16:29:22:578 axapp.cpp(1223): Accessing view layout for Account List View from disk

Table 57. Sample View Layout Log File
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2004-06-10 16:29:22:578

Date and time of log file

axapp.cpp(1223): Accessing view layout for Account List View from disk

Log file message

Example of Propertyset Info for GotoView Log File

The following log file displays the information that is written to the SiebelLogs log file when a property set response comes back from the server. In this example, a TRACE_AREA_RESP trace area is created for the property set response. See Table 58 for a detailed description of this sample output. This trace event has a category of TRACE_INFO with a log level value of 3:

TRACE_AREA_RESP TRACE_INFO 3 0 2004-06-10 16:28:09:435 axapp.cpp(5102): Propertyset for gotoview

@0*0*6*3*0*3*0*6*Target35*top._sweclient._swecontent._sweview4*SWEC1*74*View17*Account List View6*ViewId0*6*Status9*NewLayout2*UC1*10*6*3*api3*0*2*0*2* sc3*0*3*rqc1*71*v3034*8*Accounts5*Query6*Cancel15*Query

Assistant6*Delete4*Save13*PositionOnRow18*ToggleListRowCount8* Location4*Site17*Main Phone Number12*Main Phone#14*Account status23*PickList Account Status9*Home

Page3*URL7*GotoUrl12*SynchAccount10*BlankLine110*Blankline213*OwnerInstance19*LabelACCOUNTDETAILS10*LabelAUDIT13* LabelAsterisk13*LabelDUN

Table 58. Sample Propertyset Info for GotoView Log File
Log Detail


Event trace area


Event trace category


Event category level



2004-06-10 16:28:09:435

Date and time of log

axapp.cpp(5102): Propertyset for gotoview

@0*0*6*3*0*3*0*6*Target35*top._sweclient._swecontent._sweview4*SWEC1*74*View17*Account List View6*ViewId0*6*Status9*NewLayout2*UC1*10*6*3*api3*0*2*0*2* sc3*0*3*rqc1*71*v3034*8*Accounts5*Query6*Cancel15*Query

Assistant6*Delete4*Save13*PositionOnRow18*ToggleListRowCount8* Location4*Site17*Main Phone Number12*Main Phone#14*Account status23*PickList Account Status9*Home

Page3*URL7*GotoUrl12*SynchAccount10*BlankLine110*Blankline213*OwnerInstance19*LabelACCOUNTDETAILS10*LabelAUDIT13* LabelAsterisk13*LabelDUN

Log file message

Example of JavaScript Log File

Logging using JavaScript is supported through an exposed API in the application object. You use the line number and filename provided in the log file to debug the source code.

The log engine is called as follows:

JavaScript => theApplication().SeblTrace("level,logmessage");


level is 0, 1, 2, or 3 (For more information on log levels, see Table 43)

logmessage is the string message

A possible example is:

JavaScript => theApplication().SeblTrace(3,"JSSApplicationShadow Initialized.");

where the resultant Java trace log file appears as follows:

TRACE_AREA_JAVA TRACE_INFO 4 0 2004-06-10 16:29:09:358 JSSApplicationShadow Initialized.

NOTE:  Auto logging is not supported from a browser script.

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