Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide > Monitoring and Analyzing Data Using Siebel Diagnostic Tool >

Using User Performance Analysis to Monitor User Sessions

The Use Performance Analysis feature of Siebel Diagnostic Tool allows you to perform analysis for a user for a specific server or server component for a specific timeframe. This topic describes how to use User Performance Analysis to monitor, analyze, and diagnose user session data.

How to Use User Performance Analysis

To define the scope, you query for a specific server or server component within a specified Siebel Enterprise, then enter the User Id and start and end times. The data returned is SARM-based (Siebel Application Response Measurement) and is displayed in graphical form in the User Performance Analysis views.

After you submit a query and the initial results are retrieved, the data returned is presented in the User Performance Analysis view as follows:

  • Response Time Line Graph. The response time pattern for requests made by a specific user on a specified server.
  • Bar graphs. Bar graphs that you can drill down on for specific user requests on a specified server.

CAUTION:  SARM must be enabled with a granularity level of either 1 or 2 before using Server Performance Analysis. For more information about enabling and setting levels for SARM, see Siebel Performance Tuning Guide.

To monitor user sessions

  1. Launch Siebel Diagnostic Tool, if not already active.
  2. Click the User Performance Analysis screen tab.
  3. From the Enterprise drop-down list, select the enterprise that hosts the user session data that you want to analyze.
  4. From the Group drop-down list, select the group you want within the enterprise you specified in Step 3. Alternatively, you can specify All Groups.
  5. From the Server drop-down list, select the server you want within the enterprise you specified in Step 3.
  6. From the Component drop-down list, select the component. Alternatively, you can search all components by choosing All Components.
  7. Specify values in the Start Time and End Time fields to constrain the data retrieval for analysis. Alternatively, leave these fields blank to retrieve all available data for analysis.

    TIP:   Click the Now link to populate this field with the current date and time, then edit accordingly.

  8. Enter a User Name, and then click Submit.

    Siebel Diagnostic Tool retrieves the requested data that matches your query criteria and displays it in the User Performance Analysis view.

    Click for full size image

    TIP:   Notice the View link in the Response Time and Area/Sub-Area columns.

  9. Display more statistics by performing one of the following actions:
    • In the Response Time column, click View.

      The Response Details view appears showing a response time line graph and a histogram bar graph of server response times for the user. Skip to Step 10 to continue.

      Click for full size image
    • In the Area/Sub-Area column, click View.

      The Area/Sub-Area Details view appears showing response times as well as CPU and memory usage. The data represented in the form applet is the same data as in the pie charts.

      Click for full size image
  10. If you choose the View link in the Response Times column in Step 9, perform the following actions:
    1. Click a histogram bar to retrieve additional statistics.

      The SARM data appears showing detailed performance metrics for response times as well as CPU and memory usage.

      Click for full size image
    2. Drill down on a Sarm ID link.

      The SARM data appears showing detailed performance metrics for specific areas or subareas for the specified server component.

      Click for full size image

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