Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide > Configuring Additional System Logging >

About Other Siebel Server Log Files

Siebel Business Applications generate other text log files in the binary (bin) subdirectory of the Siebel Server root directory. These files record conditional responses when certain portions of code are executed during the operation of the application. They appear in the following form listed in Table 34:

Table 34. Other Siebel Server Log Files
Log Filename


Indicates a fatal condition that may have led to a crash or data corruption.


Indicates a process has crashed. These files are produced only on Windows and HP-UX platforms.


Indicate a less critical error condition that arises but did not lead to a crash or data corruption.

If these files are generated during the normal running of processes when no errors occur, they can be ignored (or deleted as they can become very large). However, if these files are generated when errors occur (especially crashes), these files can be forwarded to Siebel Technical Support for investigation.

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