Siebel System Administration Guide > Siebel Application Configuration Parameters >

Data Source Parameters

This section describes parameters that pertain to the section [DataSources] and to individual data source sections that follow.

These parameters apply only to Siebel Mobile Web Client. For the Siebel Web Client, the parameters are defined as server parameters on the Application Object Manager.

Parameters for DataSources Section

Table 33 lists data sources in the Siebel configuration file, which appear in the section [DataSources]. Each data source also has its own section specifying parameters that apply to this data source.

Table 33. Data Sources


Defines parameters for connecting to the local database.


Defines parameters for connecting to the Sample Database.


Defines parameters for connecting to the Siebel Database.


Defines Siebel Gateway parameters.

NOTE:  If you want to prevent a data source from being displayed as a choice in the Connect To: portion of the Siebel login screen, add two slash characters (//) in front of the data source in the [DataSources] section of the configuration file. For example: //Sample = Sample.

Parameters for Individual Data Source Sections

Table 34 lists parameters that specify properties associated with the different data sources listed under [DataSources]. Each data source section defines the properties of the particular data source.

Table 34. Data Source Parameters


TRUE or FALSE. Applies to Sample or Local data sources only.

If TRUE, then the SQL Anywhere database engine exits when the user logs out. If FALSE (the default), then the database engine continues to run after the user logs out of the Siebel applications.

Regarding the local database, see also Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.


TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, notifies the client to work with the database in case-insensitive mode.

See also the description of the InsensitivityFactor parameter for data sources.

NOTE:  Queries against fields of type DTYPE_ID are always case-sensitive, even if the CaseInsensitive parameter is set to TRUE. For more information, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.


Database-dependent string that defines how to connect to the database.

For SQL Anywhere (for local database or Sample Database), the -q option hides the SQL Anywhere icon. The -c option indicates the initial cache size, and -ch indicates the limit of the cache size. The -m option indicates to the SQL Anywhere database engine to truncate the transaction log after each checkpoint.

The ConnectString parameter is also used to specify the Siebel Gateway Name Server machine in the GatewayDataSrc section. In the Siebel Mobile Web Client's configuration file, you must specify the Siebel Gateway Name Server's hostname, preferably in a fully qualified form like Failure to specify this parameter correctly results in the Server Administration screens not being accessible.

For more information on using connect strings for different server databases, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.


TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, indicates that the corresponding data source uses contact login, rather than employee login. Because a contact user is generally not associated one-to-one with a database account, you must use a security adapter to support contact users.

If FALSE, the data source is using employee login, rather than contact login.


Name of the DLL file to use for the database connector code. The names differ depending upon whether you are using Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, and so on.


Determines which database connection the application login screen for a Mobile Web Client defaults to. For example, if Docked = TRUE in the [ServerDataSrc] section of the configuration file and Docked = FALSE in the [Local] section of the configuration file, then the application login screen defaults to the server database rather than the local database. The values used in the previous example are the default values.


Name of the docking server (Siebel Remote Server). It is the machine name of the Siebel Server against which the Mobile Web Client synchronizes.


Number of transactions received by the Mobile Web Client before a commit is issued to the database. The default value for this parameter is 10. Change the setting to:

  • A higher value if you have a fast network connection, such as a LAN. Increasing the value can provide better performance when synchronizing the Mobile Web Client with the server.
  • A lower value if you have a lower-bandwidth network connection, such as a modem.


Number of transactions processed before a commit is issued to the database.


Name of the Siebel Enterprise Server.


Specifies how the Mobile or Siebel Developer Web Client (for administrative purposes) accesses the Siebel File System. The maximum length of this parameter is 100 characters. Generally, FileSystem and other parameters identified below are set during the Siebel client installation.

Mobile Web Client. The following scenario for setting the FileSystem parameter applies to the Siebel Mobile Web Client. The Siebel File System should be installed locally on a Mobile Web Client, so that it is accessible when the client is not connected to the network and can be synchronized using Siebel Remote:

Set the following parameter, where FS_location is a UNC location or a drive-letter path to the location on the client computer where the local Siebel File System was installed:

FileSystem = FS_location\att

Developer Web Client. The following scenarios for setting the FileSystem parameter apply to the Siebel Developer Web Client when used for administrative purposes. Make sure that users on the Siebel Developer Web Client have physical access privileges for the Siebel File System directories:

  • If the installation uses File System Manager (alias FSMSrvr), set the following parameters:

    FileSystem = *FSM*
    GatewayAddress = Siebel_Gateway_hostname
    EnterpriseServer = Siebel_Enterprise_Server_name

  • If the installation does not use FSMSrvr, set the following parameter, where FS_location is a UNC location or a drive-letter path to the location on a network computer where the Siebel File System was installed:

    FileSystem = FS_location\att

NOTE:  If your networked Siebel File System resides on a UNIX server, you require a cross-platform NFS file system mounting tool to connect from Siebel Developer Web Clients running on Windows machines.

The system administrator must manually create the att subdirectory in the Siebel File System. If there is an existing File System installation, the administrator must move all file attachments from FS_location to FS_location\att.


Host name or IP address of the Siebel Gateway Name Server.


TRUE or FALSE. Determines if the data source shows up in the login screen's picklist of data sources.


Set to a positive integer value (default is 2). Applies only when the CaseInsensitive parameter is TRUE for the data source. The value controls the number of characters in each string that are treated as case-insensitive in a query. Not all database vendors support case-insensitivity efficiently, so this feature provides an approximate solution.

See also the description of the CaseInsensitive parameter for data sources.

Below is an example of the SQL WHERE clause generated when searching for an opportunity named New, when InsensitivityFactor is set to 2.








The above example shows that all permutations of the first two letters of the string 'New' are checked. With a higher factor, the number of permutations grows exponentially, and performance suffers.

NOTE:  Do not set this parameter to a value higher than 13.


TRUE or FALSE. Ordinarily when the Siebel application generates INSERT or UPDATE statements to send to the database, the actual statement contains only the columns where data is present or has changed. When there are situations where you generate many statements on a particular table, the differences in the values being updated may prevent you from using an array interface supported by the DBMS.

When this feature is set to TRUE, all columns are present in all INSERT and UPDATE statements. This automatically enables two statements issued against the same table in the same business component as part of a batch operation to use any existing array feature of the DBMS.


TRUE or FALSE. When TRUE, the Siebel client is prevented from prompting the user for a username and password when the user logs in. Facilities provided in your existing data server infrastructure determine if the user should be allowed to log into the database.

This parameter is set for your server data source. However, it is supported for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases only. The default value is FALSE.

For additional information, refer to your third-party documentation. For Oracle, refer to the OPS$ and REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT features. For Microsoft SQL Server, refer to Integrated Security.


Specifies the maximum number of SQL cursors that can be cached in memory for a database connection. The default is 16.

Caching SQL cursors can improve response time and CPU usage because an SQL cursor does not have to be prepared each time it is executed. If memory usage is not a concern, you may consider increasing the value of this parameter.


Specifies the maximum number of data sets that can be cached in memory for a database connection. The default is 16.

A data set is the set of records that has been retrieved by the execution of a business component. Data-set caching applies only to those business components for which the Cache Data property has been set in Oracle's Siebel Tools.

Caching data sets for frequently visited business components can improve response time and CPU usage. If memory usage is not a concern, you may consider increasing the value of this parameter.


Number of connections that can be made to the data source database server.


Sets the total number of rows that can be returned in a result set. MaxCursorSize is intended for use only with IBM DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS, and must be set as described in Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS. If you are using another database, do not set this parameter to anything other than the default value (-1), or database behavior is adversely affected. MaxCursorSize and PrefetchSize are used together, and must be set to the same value. See also the description for the PrefetchSize parameter.


TRUE or FALSE. Setting that indicates that the data source does not use an SQL DBMS to retrieve its data. This would be used only in conjunction with a specialized business component that would build internally. It would never be arbitrarily set by a Siebel customer.


Sets the number of rows that the Siebel application reads initially as part of a query execution. PrefetchSize is intended for use only with IBM DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS, and must be set as described in Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS. If you are using another database, do not set this parameter to anything other than the default value (-1), or database behavior is adversely affected. MaxCursorSize and PrefetchSize are used together, and must be set to the same value. See also the description for the MaxCursorSize parameter.


The name of the Enterprise Server you want to administer from the client machine. Set this parameter to view or change information in the Server Administration screens.


When the current query contains many rows, it may be very inefficient to read sequentially through all of them if the user hits the End button. For this reason, the customer may configure a threshold value to invert the current sort, re-execute the query, and fill the data buffers from the end. This is hidden from the user.


Allows the user to specify sorting order on the local database or Sample Database.

The SortCollation parameter is not a default part of the configuration file, so it must be added manually in order to take effect. If this parameter is not present, sorting in Siebel applications when using SQL Anywhere uses the binary sort order as identified here. Customers using languages other than English (particularly those using accented characters) may prefer to use an appropriate setting from the list below.

NOTE:  Setting this parameter to a value other than binary affects the sort performance.

After this parameter is changed, the Siebel application must be restarted in order for the change to take effect.

The valid values of the SortCollation parameter, supported by the SQL Anywhere database, consist of the following values:

  • ISO 14651 Unicode multilingual (Default): default
  • ISO 14651 Unicode multilingual ordering standard: 14651 (produces same results as default sort collation)


  • Big5 (Traditional Chinese) binary order: big5bin
  • Binary sort: binary (produces UTF-8 binary order)
  • CP 850 Western European: no accent: altnoacc
  • CP 850 Western European: lower case first: altdict
  • CP 850 Western European: no case, preference: altnocsp
  • CP 850 Scandinavian dictionary: scandict
  • CP 850 Scandinavian: no case, preference: scannocp
  • CP874 (TIS 620) Royal Thai dictionary order: thaidict
  • CP932 (Japanese on Windows) Shift-JIS binary order: sjisbin
  • CP932 (Japanese on Windows) Shift-JIS with Microsoft extensions binary order: cp932bin
  • GB2312 (Simplified Chinese) binary order: gb2312bin
  • GB 2312 (Simplified Chinese) Pinyin phonetic order: gbpinyin
  • EUC JIS (Japanese on UNIX) binary order: eucjisbin
  • EUC KSC (Korean) binary order: euckscbin
  • ISO 8859-1 ('Latin-1') English, French, German dictionary order: dict
  • ISO 8859-1 ('Latin-1') English, French, German no case: nocase
  • ISO 8859-1 ('Latin-1') English, French, German no case, preference: nocasep
  • ISO 8859-1 ('Latin-1') English, French, German no accent: noaccent


  • ISO 8859-1 ('Latin-1') Spanish dictionary: espdict
  • ISO 8859-1 ('Latin-1') Spanish no case: espnocs
  • ISO 8859-1 ('Latin-1') Spanish no accent: espnoac
  • ISO 8859-2 Hungarian dictionary: hundict
  • ISO 8859-2 Hungarian no accents: hunnoac
  • ISO 8859-2 Hungarian no case: hunnocs
  • ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic dictionary: cyrdict
  • ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic no case: cyrnocs (Not supported for Sybase)
  • ISO 8859-5 Russian dictionary: rusdict
  • ISO 8859-5 Russian no case: rusnocs (Not supported for Sybase)
  • ISO 8859-7 Greek dictionary: elldict
  • ISO 8859-9 Turkish dictionary: turdict
  • ISO 8859-9 Turkish no accents: turnoac (Not supported for Sybase)
  • ISO 8859-9 Turkish no case: turnocs (Not supported for Sybase)
  • Unicode UTF-8 binary sort: utf8bin (produces same results as binary sort collation)

NOTE:  In the values above, no accent indicates that the accented and nonaccented characters are treated equivalently by the sort. No case indicates that the sort ignores case. Preference indicates that uppercase records appear before lowercase records where the letter is the same but the case differs.


Indicates what kind of SQL to send to the database you are using. When generating SQL to send to a DBMS, the application needs to construct the SQL statement to suit the particular DBMS.

The value of this parameter is automatically set by the Siebel client or server installer, according to database information you specified.

The local database or Sample Database, based on SQL Anywhere, use Watcom. Server databases such as IBM DB2 Universal Database, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle use the style applicable to the particular DBMS.


In a database, tables are identified by both their owner and their name. When queries that reference tables are issued, the table owner must be included in those references (for example, SIEBEL.S_EVT_ACT, where SIEBEL is the table owner). Siebel Server infrastructure and system management components, such as SRBroker and SRProc, read the value of this parameter. For Application Object Manger server components, you specify the table owner by setting a value for the Datasource Table Owner (alias DSTableOwner) named subsystem parameter.


The default is FALSE. If set to TRUE, the user ID, when a user logs in, is converted to uppercase before it is sent to the database for authentication. This value is applicable only if the database is used for authentication; the value of the parameter is ignored when SecurityAdapter is set to a non-empty value.

Use this parameter if you want to enforce a policy of having all database accounts in uppercase on a case-sensitive database, but you do not want users to worry about case when they type in their user names.

NOTE:  The value of UpperCaseLogin does not affect the password.


To avoid the diccache.dat creation while using the Dedicated Thin Client connected to the DB server, add this parameter to the [ServerDataSrc] section in the CFG file.

UseDictionaryInTransactionLogging = FALSE

NOTE:  This parameter is not supported if you plan to make use of Siebel Remote functionality and synchronize between client and server. If you plan to perform only testing and administration tasks connected against the database server you should not be impacted. For Siebel Remote testing, please make use of Thin Client and Mobile Thin Client.

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