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About Named Subsystem Parameters

Named subsystems are groupings of defined enterprise parameters, which allow the Siebel Server to manage multiple sets of parameter values. Like other server constructs, such as component definitions, server parameters, enterprise parameters, and component parameters, they are stored in the Siebel Gateway Name Server. When a Siebel Server starts, it retrieves the information in the Siebel Gateway Name Server and creates a copy of the named subsystems in shared memory. You can create named subsystems using the Server Manager GUI or command-line interface.

Note that the Server Manager GUI also refers to named subsytems as enterprise profiles. For example, you create new named subsystems in the Profile Configuration subview of the Enterprises view in the Administration-Server Configuration screen. For more information on Server Manager GUI procedures, see Creating Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystems. For information on Server Manager command-line interface procedures, see Named Subsystem Management Commands.

Using named subsystems, the Application Object Manager (AOM) can maintain several different values for a particular parameter. The value used by the AOM depends on the context. In other words, an AOM has several groups of parameters with context-dependent values: in context 1, parameters PA and PB have values V1A and V1B, respectively, whereas in context 2, the same parameters have values V2A and V2B. For example, the AOM uses different configuration information that depends on the datasource on which the business components are based. Which datasource, and datasource configuration, is used for a particular business component is context information that can come from several different sources. A business component can specify a datasource in the compiled repository file, or a client can select a datasource from several available datasources. Configuration information like Database Case Sensitivity can have different values depending on the datasource selected.

The parameters that have a context dependency are defined as named subsystem parameters. The component code using these named subsystems can request the subsystem parameter values using a context name and receives the value belonging to the named instance.

Named subsystem parameters are set at the enterprise level only. Their parameter names usually start with DS so they do not conflict with the other parameters from the levels 2 to 6 in Table 16. Named subsystem parameters have a higher priority than the default parameter settings that are hard-coded in their library. See Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem Parameters for information on setting named subsystem parameters.

Named subsystem parameters override parameters set at the Enterprise Server, Siebel Server, and server component levels. See About Siebel System Parameters for further details on setting system parameters.

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