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About Siebel Server System Service

The Siebel Server runs as a system service that monitors and controls the state of every Siebel Server component operating on that Siebel Server. Each Siebel Server is an instantiation of the Siebel Server System Service within the current Siebel Enterprise Server. The Siebel Server runs as a Windows service in a Windows environment and a daemon process in a UNIX environment. The system process associated with the Siebel Server is siebsvc.exe on Windows and siebsvc on UNIX. Each running Siebel Server has a corresponding Siebel Server system process. For information on administering the Siebel Server System Service, see Administering the Siebel Server System Service.

During startup, the Siebel Server System Service performs the following sequential steps:

  • Retrieves configuration information from the Siebel Gateway Name Server. For information on the Siebel Gateway Name Server, see About Siebel Gateway Name Server.
  • Creates a shared memory file located in the Admin subdirectory of the Siebel Server root directory on Windows and the Sys subdirectory on UNIX. By default, this file has the name Enterprise_Server_Name.Siebel_Server_Name.shm.

    The total shared memory consists of a fixed amount for the Siebel Server itself, a block for each server component running on the server, and a block for each task.

    Prior to creating the .shm file, the shared memory for the Siebel application executables is built up in the RAM of the machine using the information retrieved from the Siebel Gateway Name Server; this process can use significant amounts of memory. After the creation of the .shm file, the Siebel Server System Service releases this memory.

    The Siebel Server System Service deletes this file when it shuts down.

    NOTE:  If the Siebel Server System Service is improperly shut down, the.shm file may not be deleted by the Siebel Server System Service. In this case, delete (or rename) this file before restarting the Siebel Server System Service. (If this file is not visible, it may be a hidden file.)

  • Siebel Connection Broker (alias SCBroker) server component opens a TCP port to accept inbound Application Object Manager (AOM) requests. If there are multiple instances of SCBroker on this Siebel Server, all instances listen on the same port.
  • Opens TCP ports dynamically for non-AOM components as necessary, such as Workflow Process Manager.
  • Forks single-threaded and multithreaded processes for background mode components enabled on the Siebel Server. The previously created ports are inherited to these processes. See About Server Component Processes (Shells) for details on these processes.
  • As server component processes start, each process updates the shared memory table with component availability and status information. SCBroker and SRBroker use this information for load balancing and routing purposes.
  • Archives log files by moving the current log folder to the log archive folder.

    NOTE:  If the log folder or archive folder is locked or inaccessible, a log archive is not created.

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