Siebel Forecasting Guide > Common High-Level Forecast Usage Scenarios >

Service Forecasting

Often end users need a service pipeline, backlog, and actuals for capacity planning, resource allocation, and service product planning.

Forecast Requirements

The forecast needs to include revenue scheduling, spreadsheets, services as products, easy to add recurring revenues, as well as forecasts that pull scheduled revenue into the correct time buckets.

Administrator Usage Scenario

The administrator defines a service forecast series. The Auto Forecast Search Spec is set as follows: [Product] IS NOT NULL and [Calculated Primary Flag] = 'N'. This search pulls revenue line items that have a product indicated into the forecast.

End User Revenue Scenario

  • Create a new opportunity or project.
  • Associate and create revenues using revenue scripts or revenue plans to establish a revenue group ID.
  • Use the revenue spreadsheet to view and maintain revenues over the scheduled time. As revenues become backlog or actuals they should be updated by the practice manager.
  • Use revenue charts and reports to graphically display data and to perform ad hoc analysis.

End User Forecast Scenario

  • Create a service forecast.
  • In the Details view, use the spreadsheet and chart views to evaluate and adjust scheduled revenues.
  • Use predefined queries to see details by service.
  • Submit the forecast.
Siebel Forecasting Guide