Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > Postupgrade Tasks for the Siebel Database and File System >

Updating Siebel File System Attachments

Upgrades from: Siebel 6.x, 7.0.x, 7.5.x, & 7.7.x.

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Platforms: MS Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

The following changes have occurred to the structure of the Siebel File System since Siebel 6.x:

  • As of Siebel 7.0, Siebel Anywhere requires that file system attachments be located in the \att subdirectory of the Siebel File System. If you are upgrading from Siebel 6.x, you must create this subdirectory and copy file system attachments to it.
  • At Siebel 7.5, file names of attachments include the attachment table name. If an upgrade migrates the records in an attachment table to a new attachment table, you must run a utility to update the file system attachment names.

Perform the tasks in the following topics to update Siebel File System attachments.

Updating the Siebel File System Directory

Perform the task in this section if you are upgrading from Siebel 6.x.

You must create an \att subdirectory in the Siebel File System and copy file system attachments to it.

To create the subdirectory in the Siebel File System

  1. In the existing Siebel File System structure (for example C:\siebfile), create an att subdirectory if it does not already exist.

    Windows example: C:\siebfile\att

  2. Copy (do not move) all files located under the \siebfile directory to the \siebfile\att directory.
  3. Verify that files have copied correctly to the \siebfile\att directory.

    After this has been verified, clean up the file system using the sfscleanup utility. See Siebel System Administration Guide.

Updating Attachment File Names

The task in this topic applies to all upgrades. Oracle provides a utility to update attachment file names in the Siebel File system. Table 62 lists the input table names to use when you run the utility. The utility updates all files containing the table names you specify. For example, if you specify the tables S_OLDTABLE_ATT and S_NEWTABLE_ATT, the utility updates the files system attachments by copying all attachment files containing the string S_OLDTABLE_ATT to attachment files containing the string S_NEWTABLE_ATT.

Table 62. Input Arguments for the Update Utility
Upgrade Path
Old Table
New Table

Upgrades from: Siebel 6.x.


Upgrades from: Siebel 6.x.


To update file system attachments

  1. Navigate to the following directory:

    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin


  2. Run the following utility:

    Windows: chng_file_sys.bat OLD_TABLE NEW_TABLE "FILE_SYSTEM"

    UNIX: chng_file_sys.ksh -s OLD_TABLE -t NEW_TABLE -f "FILE_SYSTEM"


    • OLD_TABLE = The name of the attachment table in the release you are upgrading from. This table is obsolete in the new release.
    • NEW_TABLE = Attachment records in OLD_TABLE were migrated to NEW_TABLE in the new release. The utility copies file system attachments containing the string OLD_TABLE to attachments containing the string NEW_TABLE.
    • "FILE_SYSTEM" = name of the directory where the Siebel File System attachments reside (entered inside quotation marks)

      Windows example:

    chng_file_sys.bat S_EMPLOYEE_ATT S_CONTACT_ATT

    UNIX example:

    chng_file_sys.ksh -s S_EMPLOYEE_ATT -t S_CONTACT_ATT

  3. Review the renamed files carefully to verify that they can be accessed by Siebel Business Applications.

    For example, since S_EMPLOYEE_ATT is migrated to S_CONTACT_ATT, verify that files such as S_EMPLOYEE_12-1ABC.SAF are renamed to S_CONTACT_12-1ABC.SAF.

Updating Household Notes and Attachments

The tasks in this section apply to upgrades from Siebel 6.x Financial Services.

If you are upgrading from Siebel 6.x Financial Services, and you are migrating your implementation to the new household design, perform the following procedure to update the file system for household notes and attachments.

The upgrade migrates household note attachments from S_ORGGRP_ATT to S_CONTACT_ATT. This updates the records in the database, but does not update file system attachments, which use a naming convention that includes the name of the table they are associated with: TableName_RowID_Revision#.saf.

You must run two scripts to complete this migration. First, run a script to migrate attachments from S_ORGGRP_ATT to S_CONTACT_ATT, and notes from S_NOTE_ORGGROUP to S_NOTE_CON in the database. Then, run a script to copy and rename all files named S_ORGGRP*.SAF to S_CONTACT*.SAF so that they correspond to new table names.

To update file attachments

  1. Run Mig_HH_note_att.sql to migrate attachments from S_ORGGRP_ATT to S_CONTACT_ATT.
  2. Navigate to the following directory:

    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin


  3. Run the following utility:

    Windows: chng_file_sys.bat OLD_TABLE NEW_TABLE "FILE_SYSTEM"

    UNIX: chng_file_sys.ksh -s OLD_TABLE -t NEW_TABLE -f "FILE_SYSTEM"


    • OLD_TABLE = The name of the attachment table in the release you are upgrading from. This table is obsolete in the new release.
    • NEW_TABLE = Attachment records in OLD_TABLE were migrated to NEW_TABLE in the new release. The utility copies file system attachments containing the string OLD_TABLE to attachments containing the string NEW_TABLE.
    • "FILE_SYSTEM" = name of the directory where the Siebel File System attachments reside (entered inside quotation marks)

      For example:

    chng_file_sys.ksh -s S_ORGGRP_ATT -t S_CONTACT_ATT

  4. Review the renamed files carefully to verify that they can be accessed by Siebel Financial Services.

Updating Attachments for Call Reports

The task in this section applies to upgrades from Siebel 6.x.

When you upgrade to Siebel 7.7.x, call report attachments from S_ACTIVITY_ATT are migrated to S_COMM_ATT. This data migration updated the records in the database and the pointer to the physical file, but did not update file system attachments, which use a naming convention that includes the name of the table they are associated with: TableName_RowID_Revision#.saf.

Therefore, you need to run a script to copy and rename all files named S_ACTIVITY*.SAF to S_COMM*.SAF so that they correspond to new table names.

To generate the file attachment update script

  1. Navigate to the following directory:

    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin


  2. Type the following command:


    /p PASSWORD /separator / /a /c rem /e /h


    /p PASSWORD /separator / /a /c rem /e /h
    /o FILESYSTEM_LOCATION/mv_act_to_comm_att_unix.ksh
    /l LOGFILE_LOCATION/mv_act_to_comm_att_unix.log SCRIPT_LOCATION/ mv_act_to_comm_att_unix.sql /v y


    "ODBC_DATASOURCE" = Data source of the database (entered in quotation marks)

    TABLEOWNER = Tableowner

    PASSWORD = Tableowner password

    FILESYSTEM_LOCATION = Location of the file system

    LOGFILE_LOCATION = Location of the log file

    SCRIPT_LOCATION = Location of the script

To update the file names of call report attachments

  • Make the file system your current directory, then type the following command:


    UNIX: mv_act_to_comm_att_unix.ksh

Updating Attachments for S_LIT

Perform the task in this topic if you are upgrading from Siebel 7.0.x. At Siebel 7.5, the records in S_LIT are migrated to S_CB_ASSET_VER. You must update the related file names of attachments from S_LIT*SAF to S_CB_ASSET_VER*.SAF.

To update attachments for S_LIT

  1. Navigate to the following directory:

    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin


  2. Enter the following command:




    • ODBC_SOURCE = the ODBC source of the database
    • USER_NAME = the database user name
    • PASSWORD = the password for the database user name
    • TABLE_OWNER = the database tableowner (if your implementation is on iSeries, you can use the value provided for User_Name)
    • FILE_SYSTEM_LOCATION = the directory where the file system resides
    • SIEBEL_ROOT = the directory where the Siebel Server is installed
    • DBSRVR_ROOT = the directory where Siebel Database Server files are installed

      Windows example:

    file_upg_mm.bat SEBL sadmin sadminpw SIEBEL "C:\siebfile" "C:\sea7xx\siebsrvr" "C:\sea7xx\dbsrvr"

    UNIX example:

    file_upg_mm.ksh SEBL sadmin sadminpw SIEBEL /usr/siebel/siebfile $SIEBEL_ROOT

    Note that the UNIX syntax does not use quotes around FILE_SYSTEM_LOCATION, and DBSRVR_ROOT.

  3. Review the renamed files carefully to verify that they can be accessed by Siebel Business Applications.

Siebel Database Upgrade Guide