Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide > Using Siebel Universal Queuing > Creating Routes and Escalations >

Adding Route Properties

After you define a route, you add one or more property statements to the route. Route properties contain properties that match a work item to the channel for the route, and contain selection criteria, based on these properties, that match the work item to the specific route.

For example, an email channel with a channel property of RecipientAddress might be defined in a route as follows:

Property Name




Property Value

In the preceding example, email messages sent to would match this route.

To add route properties

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > UQ Administration > Routes.

    The Routes view appears.

  2. Select the route for which you are adding properties.
  3. In the Properties list, add a new record.
  4. Complete the route property fields shown in Table 8.
Table 8. Route Property Fields

Begin Group

Optional. When multiple route properties are defined and joined to specify complex selection criteria, you may need to begin the definition of an individual route property with ( or ((, as is appropriate for its role in the overall selection criteria defined by the joined individual route properties.

You do not need to select a value for a route with only a single route property.

Property Name

Required. Choose one of the properties from the drop-down list.

Note: The route properties you can specify here were initially defined as channel properties, in the Properties list of the Channels view.


Required. The valid relational operators are as follows:

< less than

<= less than or equal

= equal to

> greater than

>= greater than or equal

~ wildcard match

Property Value

The value match for this property. For example, ENU is the property value in the statement Language Code="ENU".

The ~ wildcard match can be used with the following values:

* - 0 or more characters

? - one single character

. (period) - one or more occurrences of the previous character

End Group

Optional. When multiple route properties are defined and joined to specify complex selection criteria, you may need to end the definition of an individual route property with ) or )), as is appropriate for its role in the overall selection criteria defined by the joined individual route properties.

You do not need to select a value for a route with only a single route property.

Using Regular Expressions for Route Properties

A route property is evaluated using one of the standard relational operators. The operator = can be followed by a text string or a numeric value. The operators >, <, , and £ must be followed by a numeric value. A route property can also be defined by using a wildcard character (~) followed by a UNIX-style regular expression. The elements shown in Table 9 can be used to build the expression.

Table 9. Regular Expression Elements for Route Properties
Regular Expression Element
Description and Example


Match any string at the beginning of the line. For example:

A property value of ^650 selects any number with 650 as the first three digits.


Match one or more of the preceding characters. For example:

A property value of ^6503+ selects numbers with the area code 650 and a prefix beginning with a 3. The value will also select numbers where the 650 series exists after the area code, such as 415-336-5033.

. (period)

One single character. For example:

A property value of ^6503...... selects ten-digit phone numbers with the area code 650 and a prefix beginning with a 3. You must have a period in place of each of the remaining numbers.


Match zero or more occurrences of the preceding character. For example:

A property value of ^6503* selects numbers with the area code 650, any prefix (zero or more occurrences of the character just before the *), and any number of characters after the 3.


Match zero or one occurrence of the preceding character. For example:

A property value of ^6503? selects any phone number with an area code of 650, unless the prefix begins with the digit 3 repeated once (two instances).

[ ]

Match any value within the range between the brackets. For example:

A property value of [A-Z][a-z] selects any capitalized word.


Match any string at the end of a line. For example:

A property value of 1234$ selects any number that ends with "1234".


Match zero or one occurrence of the preceding character. For example:

A property value of ^6503? selects any phone number with an area code of 650, unless the prefix begins with the digit 3 repeated once (two instances).

Defining Multiple Route Properties

You can define multiple route properties for a given route to further refine the work items selected for the route. When you define more than one route property, you must specify a logical operator (AND or OR) for the Join field in order to join a route property to the next route property (next highest Sequence value).

  • Use AND to indicate that both route properties must be met for a work item to match the route.
  • Use OR to indicate that either of the route properties can be met for a work item to match the route.

When you have multiple route properties, you must also set the sequence in the Sequence field. The sequence number is an aid to help you insert and order route property expressions as you create and modify the route. When you sort the route properties by sequence number, you can see the order in which the route property expressions will be evaluated.

Route Property Syntax

The syntax for a route property is as follows:

property_name comparison_operator constant_string logical_operator sequence


property_name ~ regular_expression logical_operator sequence

The syntax defined above allows you to describe complex routing rules. Examples are shown below.

The following set of route properties (shown in sequence) matches a work item when the account number is at least 100,000 but less than 200,000 or the account number is at least 500,000 but less than 600,000, and where the requested product type is either Bond, Tbill, or Annuity:

(AcctNum >= "100000" &
AcctNum < "200000") |
(AcctNum >= "500000" &
AcctNum < "600000") &
(Product = "Bond" |
Product = "Tbill" |
Product = "Annuity")

The following set of route properties (shown in sequence) matches a work item when the account number is at least 100,000 but less than 200,000, or where the account number is at least 500,000 but less than 600,000 and where the requested product type is either Bond, Tbill, or Annuity:

(AcctNum >= "100000" &
AcctNum < "200000") |
((AcctNum >= "500000" &
AcctNum < "600000") &
(Product = "Bond" |
Product = "Tbill" |
Product = "Annuity"))

Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide