Siebel Marketing Guide > External Data Mapping > Mapping Tables to Customer Hierarchies >

Mapping an Existing Table to Customer Hierarchies

If you add new tables at a later date, follow the instructions in Mapping a New Table to Customer Hierarchies before mapping the customer hierarchies.

To map tables and fields to a targeting level

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Marketing Administration > Customer Hierarchies.
  2. In the Customer Hierarchies list, choose a customer hierarchy record.
  3. In the Targeting Levels list, select a level from within the hierarchy.
  4. In the Mapping list, create a new record.
  5. Complete the fields.
    1. In the new record, click the Table select button, select the table to be mapped, and click OK.
    2. Click the Field select button, select the field to be mapped, and click OK.
    3. If the physical table contains sorted data, select the Presorted check box.
    4. NOTE:  Data needs to be sorted for some processes that are performed in the background, for example, aggregating measures. If you know that the data has been sorted in the data source, check the Presorted check box and the Marketing Server will not sort the data again. If you are not sure, leave the check box blank and the Marketing Server will sort the data. Presorted can only be selected for the first level of the hierarchy.

Repeat Step 1 through Step 5 for each level in the Levels list.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003