Product Administration Guide > Attributes with Business Component Domains >

Setting Up Multiple Fields for Display

You can group attributes together so that selecting a record from a pick applet for one attribute populates several attributes. You do this by defining additional PickMap UI properties on an attribute. These additional UI properties define how to populate the other attributes.

The attribute on which you define PickMap01 is called the primary attribute. The user selects a value for this attribute and this causes the values for the other attributes to be selected automatically. This means the other attributes are read-only. The only way the user can change the value of these attributes is to open the pick applet for the primary attribute and choose another record.

The Product Administrator has created a customizable product called Premier Service Package. This product has been assigned to a product class that has the attributes Account, Location, and Opportunity defined on it. These attributes have been added to a group in the Product UI Designer and will display in selection pages.

The Product Administrator wants users to be able to select an account name when configuring the product. When they do, the Account Administrator wants to automatically populate the Location attribute with the state in which the account is located.

To do this, the Product Administrator must define four UI properties on the Account attribute as, shown in Figure 5.

The Account and Location attributes display with a text box next to them in the configuration selection pages. When the user clicks the select button and chooses an Account name, it is transferred to the Account field and the state name is transferred to the Location field.

Table 13 shows how to use the predefined UI properties to set up multiple fields for display.

Table 13. UI Properties
The name of the pick applet.
The name of the pick business component.
This is an XML tag that associates the attribute name with the pick business component field that you want to display.
PickMap01 must be defined on the primary attribute
Only the Field and PickField variables are required. Enclose their values in quotes.
Field: The name of primary attribute.
PickField: The name of the business component field.
Only the Field and PickField variables are required.
These variables are for attributes other than the primary attribute. These attributes will be populated automatically when the user selects a pick applet record for the primary attribute. Attribute values for these attributes are read-only. Enclose the attribute values in quotes.
Field: The name of the attribute, other than the primary attribute.
PickField: The name of the business component field.
You can define PickMaps to populate as many fields as desired. Number the PickMaps in sequential order, for example Pickmap03, PickMap04, etc.

To set up multiple fields for display

  1. Navigate to Product Administration.
  2. Select and lock the desired customizable product.
  3. Navigate to Customizable Product > User Interface Property Designer.
  4. Select the desired attribute.
  5. Define the UI properties as shown in Table 13.

 Product Administration Guide, Version 7.5 
 Published: 18 April 2003