Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Administering Siebel Remote > Monitoring Siebel Remote Operations >

Monitoring Transaction Logs

Use the Siebel Remote Administration views to monitor transaction logs.

To monitor transaction logs

  1. From the application-level menu, select View > Site Map >Siebel Remote Administration.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select Transaction Log.
  3. The Transaction Log list displays information about each transaction. The Operation Types for Siebel Remote transactions are as follows:

    Operation Type
    Delete single row
    Delete multiple rows
    Delete cascading rows
    Insert single row
    Update single row
    Update multiple rows
    Insert set-based rows
    Update set-based rows
    Delete set-based rows
    Merge multiple rows

    The fields in the Transaction Log list are described below.

    Node number
    ID of the node that generated the transaction
    Insert (I), update (U), delete (D), ...
    Table name of the transaction
    File flag
    Flag to indicate whether the transaction is on a file attachment-related table
    Transaction id
    Sequence number of the transaction
    Transaction row
    ROW_ID of the transaction
    Transaction updated
    Timestamp showing when the transaction was last updated

    The fields in the detail form are described below.

    Transaction updated by
    ROW_ID of the user who last updated the transaction
    Transaction conflict id
    ID of the conflict for the base table record
    Transaction Mod Id
    Version number of the base table record
    Visibility level
    Visibility event level for the transaction: Enterprise(E), Limited(L)
    Visibility event
    Whether the transaction is a visibility event
    Related visibility event
    Whether the transaction is a related visibility event
    Dock object code
    Dock object code of the transaction instance
    Primary table row id
    ROW_ID of Primary table for the dock object instance
    Length (Long Log data)
    Real length of the long column of the transaction data
    Log Data 1, 2, 3, 4, long
    These columns hold transaction data

  4. To monitor transaction logs by operation, select Transaction Log By Operation from the Show drop-down list.
  5. The fields in the Transaction Log By Operation view provide information about the number of transactions for each operation using the following fields:

    Type of the operation
    Number of transactions
    Total number of transaction for the operation type

  6. To monitor transaction logs by node, select Transaction Log By Node from the Show drop-down list.
  7. The Transaction Log By Node view displays the number of transactions for each node. A node is a mobile Web client or Regional server. The following fields appear in the view:

    Node Name
    Mobile client node name
    Number of transactions
    Total number of transactions for the operation type

    NOTE:  This view only shows transactions from mobile users and regional nodes. It does not include transactions created by nonmobile users who connect directly to the server.

  8. To monitor transaction logs by table, select Transaction Log By Table from the Show drop-down list.
  9. The Transaction Log By Table view displays the number of transactions for each table in the Siebel database. The following fields appear in the view:

    Table name
    Number of transactions
    Total number of transactions for the operation type

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003