Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Internationalization Considerations > Maintaining Translation Tables >

Externalizing Metadata Strings

Metadata Strings are loaded by the Siebel Analytics Server from a database table. In the case of Siebel Analytics applications, this table is S_MSG in the Siebel transactional database. The initialization block Externalize Metadata Strings loads the strings for the Server. It is recommended that you run a test to make sure that this initialization block runs successfully. An example of the translation table is:

Customer Satisfaction
Satisfação do cliente

By default, the Siebel Analytics repository is configured to run in English only. To deploy in any other language, you must externalize the metadata strings.

To externalize metadata strings in the Siebel Analytics repository

  1. Stop the Siebel Analytics Server.
  2. Open SiebelAnalytics.rpd using the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Tool in offline mode.
  3. Select the entire Presentation layer and right-click the mouse to display the menu.
  4. From the pop-up menu, select Externalize Display Names .

    A check box appears next to this option the next time you right-click on the Presentation layer. When Externalize Display Names is checked, all metadata strings are read from an external Siebel operational application database, specifically from the S_MSG table.

  5. Make sure that the connection pool Externalized Metadata Strings points to the Siebel operational application database and is working correctly.
  6. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server.

Checking the Execution Order of Initialization Blocks

This section is for an integrated Siebel Analytics environment in which display names are externalized. The language of the metadata in Answers (the Subject Area and column names) depends upon the initialization block LOCALE, which must be executed before the External Metadata Strings initialization block. The following procedure shows how to check the precedence of initialization block execution.

To check the execution order of initialization blocks in the Siebel Analytics repository

  1. Stop the Siebel Analytics Server.
  2. Open SiebelAnalytics.rpd using the Server Administration Tool in offline mode.
  3. From the menu, navigate to Manage > Variables > Initialization Blocks and double-click Externalize Metadata Strings.
  4. Click the Execution Precedence tab.

    Make sure that the LOCALE initialization block is shown as executing before Externalize Metadata Strings.

  5. Click OK, and close Variable Manager. Exit the Server Administration Tool.
  6. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server.

Using the Externalize Strings Utility for Localization

The Externalize Strings utility is primarily for use by translators or by the Siebel Analytics repository administrator. If you use a language other than English (US), you must use Externalize Strings to see the names of catalogs, tables and columns, and their descriptions if present, in their own language.

NOTE:  Before using the Externalize Strings utility, translators should consult Siebel Systems.

To perform the string translation process using Externalize Strings

  1. In the Presentation layer, right-click on a Catalog Folder.
  2. Select the options Externalize Display Names and Externalize Descriptions.
  3. From the Toolbar, choose Tools > Utilities > Externalize Strings and click the Execute button.
  4. Click on the Catalog Folders in the left pane.

    In the right pane, the translated values and the original strings (names) appear. These translated values are placed in session variables for use by Siebel Analytics Web.

  5. Click the Save button to save the strings in the format you want.
  6. Click the Close button to end the utility.

Adding Custom Translations to S_MSG Table

When you add custom objects to the metadata and choose to externalize these objects (by right-clicking on the object and checking the Externalize Display Name option), the Siebel Analytics Server looks for the translations (including those for the native language) in the S_MSG table.

If you do not externalize the display names, you do not need to perform the following procedure. However, the custom Presentation layer objects show up only in the native language of the metadata (the language in which you added these new objects).

The S_MSG table can be populated using Siebel Tools. Before populating the S_MSG table, you must add a list of values (LOV) for Siebel Analytics (this is a one-time task).

To add LOV values for Siebel Analytics

  1. Open Siebel Tools and connect to your database.
  2. Navigate to the Screens Menu >  System Administration > List of Values.
  3. Right-click and select New Record from the pop-up menu.
  4. Add a record with the following values.
    Value Name
    Value Entry
    Display Value:
    Language-independent Code:
    check mark
    Language Name:
    [Choose your deployment language]
    Analytics Metadata Strings

    All other fields should be default.

  5. Add one more record, depending on your deployment, with the following values.
    • Financial Services applications only:
      Value Name
      Value Entry
      Display Value:
      Language-independent Code:
      check mark
      Language Name:
      [Choose your deployment language]
      Analytics Financial Services Metadata Strings
    • All other applications:
      Value Name
      Value Entry
      Display Value:
      Language-independent Code:
      check mark
      Language Name:
      [Choose your deployment language]
      Analytics Metadata Strings

To add string translations for Siebel Analytics metadata

  1. Navigate to Screens Menu > System Administration > Strings.
  2. Right-click and select New Record from the menu to add a new record.
  3. Obtain the Message Key from the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool.

    To get the message key, right-click on the new Presentation layer metadata object and select Properties from the menu. The Message key is displayed in the dialog box under Custom Display Name. The Message key is the part that starts with CN_.

    For example, double-click on the Pipeline catalog folder in the Presentation layer. The Custom Display name is Valueof(NQ_SESSION.CN_Pipeline). CN_Pipeline is the Message Key.

  4. Select your deployment language.
  5. Choose the Message type—Metadata or FINS_Metadata, depending on which one was added in Step 5 of the procedure on adding LOV.
  6. Select AnalyticsNew Message Level.
  7. In the Message Text column, add the translation of the object.
  8. Translate & Active Flags should be on.
  9. Error Message # is 0.
  10. Set the Message Facility to SIA if you are using the Siebel Financial Services application. Otherwise, set it to HORZ.
  11. Repeat Steps 2-10 for each new metadata object string.
  12. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server.

 Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004