Applications Administration Guide > Initial Setup >

Setting Up Locales

A locale is a set of rules guiding how common data is displayed to the user or received from the user. These rules are used to format data from a database before displaying the resulting information in output fields on the user interface. Siebel applications support language and geographical conventions for the display language of picklists, and formatting of data such as dates, time, numbers, and currency based on locale settings.

The Locale information is stored in the Locale Table (S_LOCALE). The data in this table is maintained by the administrator using the Locale Administration view.

The locale with which the Component Object Manager processes are initialized is determined by the value of the parameter Locale Code. Although this is set during installation, it may be changed to the locale code of any locale that is preconfigured with the Siebel application or added by the administrator. The Locale Code parameter can be set at the Enterprise, Server, or Component level.

A number of locales and their parameters come prebuilt with the standard Siebel application. You can also create and revise locales in the Locale Administration view.

After a locale and its parameters are defined, you can create translations for locale names that will display in the locale pick applet, rather than the three letter acronym locale code. For example, instead of showing ENU as locale name, the administrator provides English-United States as a translation for English speakers and Inglese-Stati Uniti d'America for Italian speakers. Only translated locale names are exposed to end-users on locale pick applets.

NOTE:  Whereas the Siebel Web Clients use the locale settings specified in the Locale Administration view, the Siebel Mobile Web Client and the Siebel Dedicated Web Client use the locale settings defined in the client operating system's regional settings. [

To create a locale

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Application Administration > Locale.
  2. In the Locale list, create a new record and fill in the necessary fields.

    Some of the fields are described in the following table.

    Date Separator
    Designates the symbol that will be used to separate the components of the date.
    International Dialing Code
    Designates the country codes to display in phone numbers, suppressing the country code for phone numbers that are in the user's locale. For example, if the phone numbers for two accounts are the following:
    • +33 1-23 42 34 56, for an account based in France (+33 is the country code for France)
    • +1 6502955000, for an account based in the U.S. (+1 is the country code for the U.S.)
    To a user based in the U.S.(locale ENU) the International Dialing Code value is "USA and Canada (1)", and the above phone numbers will display as:
    • +33 1-23 42 34 56
    • (650) 295-5000
    List Separator
    Designates the symbol that will be used to separate consecutive numbers in a list.
    For example:
    • In the U.S., consecutive numbers are separated by a comma: 1.23,3.57,4.01
    • In France, consecutive numbers are separated by a semi-colon: 1,23;3,57;4,01
    Locale Code
    Siebel applications use the three letter acronym (TLA) code conventions of Microsoft for locale name. In most cases, the TLA is created by taking the two-letter language abbreviation from the ISO Standard 639 and adding a third letter as appropriate to form a unique identifier.
    For information on Microsoft codes, see your Microsoft documentation.
    Locale Name
    The naming convention is generally Language Name-Territory, for example, English-United States, English-United Kingdom, or French-France.
    Long Date Format
    Not supported.
    Negative Currency Format
    Specifies the location of the negative sign (-) with respect to the currency symbols and digits (100).
    For example:
    • For U.S. format, ($32.45), select (s100)
    • For British format, -£32.40, select -s100
    Number Decimal Separator
    Specifies the symbol used to indicate the decimal place.
    For example:
    • French format: 1 234,34 (comma as decimal symbol)
    • U.S. format: 1,234.34 (period as decimal symbol)
    Number Fractional Digits
    Designates the number of digits after the decimal separator. For example, the number 12.340 has a number fractional of 3.
    This applies to data fields of type DTYPE_NUMBER.
    Number Grouping Separator
    Designates the symbol used to group numbers.
    For example:
    • French format: 1 234 (space as number grouping separator)
    • German format: 1.234 (period as number grouping separator)
    • U.S. format: 1,234 (comma as number grouping separator)
    Number Leading Zero
    Designates whether to display a leading zero in numbers less than one. For example, .7 or 0.7.
    Positive Currency Format
    Specifies the location of the currency symbols with respect to the digits (100).
    For example: for U.S. format, $32.45, select s100.
    Short Date Format
    Specifies the appropriate shortened date format.
    For example:
    • International format: yymmdd
    • U.S. format: mm/dd/yy
    • German format:
    The forward slash in the string mm/dd/yy is actually a place holder. It is replaced with the symbol specified in the Date Separator field. For example, if the Date Separator value is a dash, -, then April 10, 2002 will be displayed as 04-10-2002.
    Note: If you enter a month number greater than 12, it defaults to 12. If you enter a day number greater than the number of days in the month, it defaults to the last day of the month. For example, if you enter 42/99/03 (U.S. format), the date defaults to 12/31/03.
    Time AM Designator
    Specifies the symbol for designating time between 00:00 and 12:00.
    For example: AM, a.m., am
    Time Leading Zero
    Designates whether to display a leading zero in time fields. For example:
    12 hour clock with leading zero: 01:03 AM, 01:03 PM
    12 hour clock without leading zero: 1:03 AM, 1:03 PM
    24 hour clock with leading zero: 01:03, 13:03
    24 hour clock without leading zero: 1:03, 13:03
    Time PM Designator
    Specifies the symbol for designating time between 12:00 and 24:00.
    For example: PM, p.m., or pm
    Time Separator
    Specifies the symbol used to separate the hours from the minutes.
    UI Directionality
    Designates the direction of the text displayed.

To create a translation for a locale name

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Applications Administration > Locale, and select the appropriate record.
  2. Click the Locale Name Translation view tab.
  3. On the Locale Name Translation list, create a new record and fill in the necessary fields, as described in the following table.
    Designates the language code of the translation of the locale name. For examples of language codes, see Global Deployment Guide.
    Translated Name
    The exact translation of the locale name to appear in the picklist for users with the designated language code. For example, for the locale English-United States:
    • With ENU language code, the locale name is English-United States.
    • With ITA language code, the locale name is Inglese-Stati Uniti d'America.
    Translated description of this locale.

To edit the current locale

  1. Edit the locale record. (See To create a locale.)
  2. To have the edits take effect, restart the Application Object Manager.

    (For more information about shutting down and starting an unassigned component such as an Application Object Manager, see Siebel Server Administration Guide.)

 Applications Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004