Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide > Configuring Session Communications > Specifying Agents >

Configuring Agents

This section provides instructions for configuring an agent after the agent has been added to at least one communications configuration.

Using the Agent General Profile view, you can add the agent to additional configurations, associate the agent with telesets, and specify the ACD queues from which the agent may receive voice calls. You can also designate which configuration is primary for the agent, and which ACD queues are primary for the agent.

NOTE:  The Agent General Profile view lists only those agents who have been associated with one or more configurations. For more information, see Creating or Modifying a Communications Configuration.

Only one configuration can be designated as primary for the agent, and only one configuration is in effect at one time. When an agent logs in for the first time, the primary configuration is in effect for the agent. In the Communications tab of the User Preferences screen, the agent can choose a different configuration, which will be in effect the next time the agent logs in. For more information, see Setting Communications User Preferences.

Telesets can be associated with an agent in this procedure only if the telesets have been defined. For more information, see Specifying Telesets.

You can define the Agent Login and Password that are retrieved from the database each time an agent logs into the ACD queue. You must provide these values for agents who will be configured to log into the ACD queue, when required by the ACD. These values do not need to be specified for other users. The agent login and password need to be specified only once for an agent.

NOTE:  For an Aspect switch, Agent Login also represents the number that other call-center agents dial to reach the agent.

For more information about configuring login commands, see Configuring Communications Login and Logout. For more information about agent login procedures, see Using the Communications Toolbar.

The Agent General Profile view also displays the profiles associated with the configurations the agent is associated with.

To configure agents

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Communications Administration > Agent General Profile.
  2. The Agent General Profile list displays all agents that have been added to one or more communications configurations.

  3. For agents who will need to log into ACD queues, enter the appropriate values into the Agent Login and Password fields, if no values have been specified previously.
  4. Specify one or more existing configurations to associate this agent with:
    1. Click the Configurations view tab.
    2. In the Configurations list, add a new record. The Add Configurations dialog box appears.
    3. Scroll to display any additional records that are not shown, or use Query or Find to locate records matching certain criteria.
    4. Select one or more configurations with which you want to associate the agent.
    5. Click OK to associate all selected configurations with the agent.
  5. If the agent is associated with multiple configurations, specify the primary configuration for the agent:
    1. In the Configurations list, select the record of the configuration that you want to be the agent's primary configuration.
    2. Click the check box for the Primary field to make this the primary configuration.
  6. For voice agents, you can specify one or more existing telesets to associate this agent with:
    1. Click the Telesets view tab.
    2. In the Telesets list, add a new record. The Add Telesets dialog box appears.
    3. Scroll to display any additional records that are not shown, or use Query or Find to locate records matching certain criteria.
    4. Select one or more telesets with which you want to associate the agent.
    5. Click OK to associate all selected telesets with the agent.
  7. To associate the agent with one or more ACD queues:
    1. Click the ACD Queues view tab.
    2. In the ACD Queues list, add a new record.
    3. Specify an ACD queue the agent will use.
    4. If this ACD queue is one of the primary ACD queues for the agent, click the check box for the Primary field.

 Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003