Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Sales Volume Planning > Administrator Procedures for Sales Volume Planning >

Populating Account-Product Tree Locks

After building an account-product tree, you populate the locks of the tree. Locks are populated at the account level; this prevents users at lower account levels from overwriting modifications made by higher account level users.

NOTE:  Executing the Build Tree process automatically unlocks any locked nodes. Sales volume planning administrators do not need to manually perform this task.

To populate account-product tree locks

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Sales Volume Planning Administration.
  2. In the Action form, add a new record.
  3. Fill in the Name field. For example, Fall Forecast - Populate Locks.
  4. From the Action drop-down list, select Populate Locks.
  5. Click Execute Action.

Pending appears in the Status field. After the locks in the account-product hierarchy are populated, the Status field changes to Complete and a dialog box appears, confirming that the action was successful.

 Siebel Consumer Sector Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003