Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Trade Funds > End-User Procedures >

Transferring Fund Amounts

Key account managers can transfer amounts between funds. Typically, transferring funds requires approval from a regional sales manager or a marketing administrator. For information on approving fund transfers, see Approving a Fund Transfer.

To transfer a fund amount

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen.
  2. In the Accounts list, select an account.
  3. Click the Funds view tab.
  4. In the Funds list, select a fund.
  5. Click the appropriate subview tab and add a new record.
  6. Fill in the fields.
  7. In the Submitted To field, select the employee responsible for approving the transfer.
  8. The transfer will appear in the Transfer Approvals subview of the employee selected.

  9. Change the Status field to Submitted.

 Siebel Consumer Sector Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003