Configuration Guidelines > Configuring the User Interface > Guidelines for Views >

View Titles

There are three different titles displayed for a view, as follows:

Keep these three title definitions consistent for one view. If at all possible, the text should be identical in all three.

If a view specifies a visibility mode, as indicated by a non-blank Visibility Applet Type property, the title (in all three locations) needs to identify the visibility mode, as indicated in Table 15.

Table 15. View Titles by Visibility Mode
Visibility Mode
Title Format
Sales team visibility
My buscomp(s)
My Contacts
Personal visibility
My Personal buscomp(s)
My Personal Contacts
Manager visibility
My Team's buscomp(s)
My Team's Opportunities
All visibility
All buscomp(s)
All Accounts

For more information on visibility modes, refer to Visibility and Siebel Tools Reference

 Configuration Guidelines 
 Published: 18 April 2003