Siebel Connector for PeopleSoft > Database Wizard > Example >

Setup Tools Configuration File

Once you have identified the external database and the tables, and created the appropriate external DB ODBC data source to connect to that database, you are almost ready to start creating the integration object. The integration object is created from Siebel Tools, and it needs to know where these external tables are.

These access parameters are set up in the Siebel Tools configuration file (tools.cfg). By default, you should see an empty [DBWizSubSys] section in the tools.cfg file.

So, the following section in the tools.cfg file should be changed to configure the connection to the target database:


DBWizUserName = <database login>

DBWizPassword = <database password>

DBWizODBCWizDataSource = <data source name (as created above)>

DBWIZTableOwner = <database table owner>

Here are sample sections for the three supported platforms.

Just to show the variations in the values, the ODBC data sources we have created in the previous section have been named SAMPLE for DB/2, SQLOracle for Oracle, and SQLAdapter for MS SQL Server. You may choose a name that is appropriate for your integration project.

 Siebel Connector for PeopleSoft 
 Published: 18 April 2003