Siebel Connector for PeopleSoft > Database Wizard >

Common Problems and Solutions

This section describes common DB Wizard-related problems and recommended solutions.

Table 10. Database Wizard Problems and Solutions
The wizard is unable to connect to the external database.
  1. Make sure that the ODBC sources exist and all parameters in the [DBWIZSubSys] have valid values.
  2. Verify that the CFG file that you are modifying is the one that is actually being used by Siebel Tools.
  3. If your underlying database is case sensitive, make sure the username and password specified have the right case.
The wizard connects but returns an error saying no tables were found.
  1. Make sure that the username you provided in [DBWizSubSys] has sufficient privileges to describe the tables of interest.
  2. Verify that the table owner specified in the wizard configuration really owns the tables of interest.
  3. Some database table owner names are case sensitive—make sure that the case specified in wizard configuration matches the database table owner case.
  4. Not all table types that the wizard offers to list are supported by all databases. Try selecting the "All" type if this is an issue.
The wizard starts but the explorer view does not come up.
If the external database has a large number of tables, it may take an unusually long time to query the database and build the explorer view. In this case, wait several minutes for the operation to complete. Also, select a very specific list that contains all objects that you want to view on the first screen instead of the default All selection.
The wizard lists tables, but some tables or views of interest are missing.
  1. Make sure you choose a type that covers all tables of interest. For example, choosing the type "Tables" will eliminate all views and system tables from the generated selections. If this is the issue, choose the "All" type.
  2. If the database allows a single external DB ODBC data source to point to multiple databases or defaults database by username, make sure that the data source and username combination used by the wizard selects the database of interest as the default database.
  3. Check to be certain that the username the wizard is using has sufficient privileges to describe all tables and views of interest.
The wizard marks an integration component field of interest as disabled.
This occurs because the Database Adapter does not support the data type of this column. If it is possible to build a view that represents this column as a datatype supported by the DB Adapter, you might be able gain some or all access to this column by using such a view to build your integration component in place of the underlying table.
Can the wizard build objects against a database not validated by Siebel?
Because of the possible number of database and ODBC driver combinations, Siebel supports only the validated configurations. To successfully complete integration with the external database, the Database Adapter must support your configuration. The wizard is only an accessory and integration objects can always be built manually in Siebel Tools.
When should I use Siebel Adapter/Wizard versus Database Adapter and DB Wizard?
When you build and operate integration objects against Siebel tables, you should always use Siebel Adapter/Wizard. When you build and operate objects against a non-Siebel database, you can use Database Adapter and DB Wizard.
Is it possible to change the XML that is generated by the Integration Object?
Is it possible to build an Integration Object instance from existing XML?
Very simple one-one mapping differences between XML tag names can be resolved by changing the XML Tag element on various component fields. If there are significant differences or there are structural differences, you will need a Data Transformation step. Siebel EAI Infrastructure supports complex data transformations using powerful programmatic and declarative tools. Refer to Business Processes and Rules: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume IV and XML Integration Reference.

 Siebel Connector for PeopleSoft 
 Published: 18 April 2003