Siebel Connector for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Customizing the Connector > Integration Object Modification >

Deactivating Primary Fields

Multi-value Group (MVG) Primary fields should be deactivated in the definition of Siebel Connector for Siebel eBusiness Applications integration objects. The reason is that Siebel Adapter will reconstruct Primary fields if their contents come from the MVG, and the corresponding multi-value link has a non-empty Primary Id Field. Including Primary fields denormalizes the definition of integration objects which could cause Siebel Adapter to fail upon update.

To deactivate primary fields

  1. Determine which fields are primary.
  2. NOTE:  Primary fields are usually prefixed with Primary but this is not always true. To find out which fields are primary fields, look in the definition of Business Components. The following example for BusComp Order Entry - Orders illustrates how to do this.

  3. Within Siebel Tools, locate BusComp Order Entry - Orders.
  4. Navigate to Business Component/Multi Value Link.
  5. Record the Primary Id Field properties:
  6. Navigate to Business Component/Join for Order Entry - Orders. Find the aliases for all the joins that have a join specification with Source Field property being one of the Ids. For example, join "Bill To Addr" has a join specification Bill To Address Id. The Source Field is Bill To Address Id.
  7. Click for full size image

    Following is a list of joins that result in Primary fields:

  8. Navigate to Business Component/Field for Order Entry - Orders. Search for fields with a "Join" property.
  9. Click for full size image

  10. Deactivate the Primary Id fields of the corresponding integration component.
  11. Repeat for each integration component.

 Siebel Connector for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 18 April 2003