Siebel Connector for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Initializing a New Instance > Siebel to Siebel Inbound Process >

Process Steps

  1. Lock Channel: This step invokes the LockChannel method of business service Snapshot Access Service. It is used to synchronize the publishing process and receiving process on the same instance for a given channel.
  2. Click for full size image

  3. Check Can Update: This step checks the validity of the input Siebel message and returns a parameter (canUpdate) that indicates whether the snapshot should be updated.
  4. Click for full size image

  5. Can Update?: The output of Step 2: Access Snapshot determines whether the input message is valid. If true, go to Step 4: Process Snapshot; otherwise, this workflow process ends.
  6. Click for full size image

  7. Begin Transaction: This step invokes the BeginTransaction method of business Service ZDT Begin End Transaction Service. It starts a transaction and makes certain that Process Snapshot, Update Snapshot, and Reset Status are in one transaction.
  8. Click for full size image

  9. Process Snapshot: This step calls the Execute method of the AI Siebel Adapter business service to apply the changes that are contained in the incoming message to database.
  10. Click for full size image

  11. Update Snapshot: After Siebel Adapter applies the changes, the snapshot table is updated to record the new current images of this global data.
  12. Click for full size image

  13. Reset Status: This step invokes the UpdateStatus method of the Snapshot Access Service business service. It sets ReceiveStatus to True if this is an error recovery case.
  14. Click for full size image

  15. End Transaction: This step invokes the EndTransaction method of the ZDT Begin End Transaction Service business service. It ends a transaction and makes certain that Process Snapshot, Update Snapshot, and Reset Status are in one transaction.
  16. Click for full size image

  17. Unlock Channel: This step invokes the UnlockChannel method of business service Snapshot Access Service. It releases the lock on the channel so that the receiving process can start to process data. It is used to synchronize the publishing process and receiving process on the same instance for a given channel.
  18. Click for full size image

  19. Merge Snapshot: This step invokes the MergeSnaphot method of the Incremental Snapshot business service. In case of error recovery, it merges the published changes together and stores it in the EAI Queue.
  20. Click for full size image

  21. Do Error Recovery?: This is a decision point. If the current record is under the error recovery process and this is not the last publish to fix the error, it releases the lock and ends. If the current record is under the error recovery process and this is the last publish to fix the error, then go to the Begin Transaction step.
  22. Click for full size image

  23. Abort Transaction: This step invokes the EndTransaction method of the ZDT Begin End Transaction Service business service. It ends the transaction and aborts any steps up to this point. If any step of Snapshot, Update Snapshot, or Reset Status fails, this step is called.
  24. Click for full size image

  25. Set Status: This step invokes the Update Status method of Snapshot Access Service. This step is only visited when the Siebel Adapter fails to process the snapshot data. It sets a flag which indicates to the receiving process that this record needs to do error recovery.
  26. Click for full size image

  27. Log Failure: All fatal errors are logged with status ErredProcess and the current workflow process is terminated.
  28. Click for full size image

  29. Update Snapshot Log: If Step5: Update Snapshot fails and the error is nonfatal, workflow should continue. However, this fact is logged for the Siebel Administrator with status set to Processed.
  30. Click for full size image

 Siebel Connector for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 18 April 2003