Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > The Siebel 6.3 to 7.5 Analytics Bridges >

Siebel Analytics 6.3 Bridge Files

The contents of each of the files included in the 63_Bridges folder are shown in Table 27.

Table 27.  Files Used by the Analytics Bridges
File Name
Purpose of File
  • Siebel_DW_Rep_63.rep
  • Siebel_DW_Rep_FINS_63.rep
  • Siebel_DW_Rep_Pharma_63.rep
The Informatica repository file containing the objects and code required to populate the 7.5 Siebel Data Warehouse with the 6.3 Siebel Application data.
This file replaces the standard .rep file provided with Siebel Analytics version 7.5.
The Siebel Analytics repository file containing all of the analytical metadata mapping rules to take physical data warehouse tables and columns and map them to presentation layer metrics and facts.
(This file replaces the standard .rpd file provided with Siebel Analytics version 7.5.)
The Siebel Archive File containing the logical definition of the ETL tables.
  • seed_63_bridge.dat
    (for Siebel Cross-Industry Applications)
  • seed_63_fins_bridge.dat
    (for Siebel Financial Services Applications)
  • seed_63_Pharma_bridge.dat
    (for Siebel ePharma Applications)
The Siebel Seed Data file containing language-independent seed data records for the following tables:
  • S_RESP
where <db> is one of:
  • db2udb
  • mssql
  • oracle
Import file used to control the import of the seed_63_bridge.dat file from a Siebel Cross-Industry Application to a particular database platform.
seed_63_<sia>_bridge_<db>.inp where <sia> is one of:
  • fins
  • pharma
and where <db> is one of:
  • db2udb
  • mssql
  • oracle
Import file used to control the import of the seed_63_bridge.dat file from a particular Siebel Industry Application to a particular database platform.
Set of Siebel seed data files containing translations for all the Siebel Analytics metadata objects. Each file contains all the translations for a single language. These files place translation-related seed data into the S_MSG table in the Siebel OLTP database.
Set of import files used to control the import of the language seed files to the database.

 Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004