Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III > Interfacing with Microsoft BizTalk Server > Connecting to BizTalk Using COM and AIC >

Siebel AIC Inbound Transport

This section describes how to set up and use the AIC Inbound Transport to receive messages from BizTalk.

Setting up the AIC Inbound Transport

AIC can be run either on the Siebel Server machine or on the BizTalk Server machine. Generally, AIC is run on the BizTalk Server machine.

NOTE:  AIC (Application Integration Components) and ActiveX Data Controls must both be installed on the same machine, regardless of your configuration setup.

This section explains how to set up the AIC Inbound Transport on either BizTalk Server with IIS 5.0 installed or a Siebel Server machine and covers these topic areas:

Setting Up AIC Inbound Transport to Run Locally on BizTalk Server

This section explains how to set up the required components for running the AIC Inbound Transport on the BizTalk Server machine.



Install the necessary Siebel EAI ActiveX Data Controls and Siebel Application Integration Components on the BizTalk Server machine (one-time operation).

For details, see To install Siebel ActiveX Data Controls and AIC on the BizTalk Server machine.


Register the Siebel AIC on the BizTalk Server machine (one-time operation).

For details, see To register AIC as a COM+ Server Application on the BizTalk Server machine.


Copy the required Siebel Active Server Pages (ASP) to the BizTalk Server machine.

For details, see To configure BizTalk Server Messaging Manager with new ASP files.


Make sure that the Siebel application has the capability to run workflows—BizTalk Server sends named workflows to Siebel application expecting the Siebel application to be able to execute them.

For details, see To configure Siebel Server to run Workflow.

To install Siebel ActiveX Data Controls and AIC on the BizTalk Server machine

  1. On the BizTalk machine, insert the Siebel Enterprise Server Installation CD and choose Custom Install.
  2. Deselect other options so that only the EAI Connectors are installed.
  3. Follow online prompts to complete the remaining pages and click Finish to install the Siebel EAI ActiveX Data Controls for BizTalk on the BizTalk Server machine.

To register AIC as a COM+ Server Application on the BizTalk Server machine

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs > Administrative Tools > Component Services.
  2. In the tree pane, click Component Services, and expand Computers. Under Computers, expand My Computer, and then click on COM+ Applications.
  3. On the Action menu, click New > Application.
  4. On the Welcome to COM Application Install Wizard dialog box, click Next.
  5. On the next page, select Create an Empty Application.
  6. On the next screen, select the Application Identity of "Interactive user - the current logged on user" and click Next and then Finish.
  7. You should now have a new COM+ application (which you named in Step 5), as shown in the following sample figure.

    Click for full size image

  8. Expand this newly created COM+ Server Application by double-clicking on it.
  9. You see folders appear where the COM+ applications were.

  10. Click the Components folder and choose Action > New > Component.
  11. The Welcome to COM Component Install Wizard appears.

  12. On the Welcome to COM Component Install Wizard, click Next.
    1. Select Install new component or components and click Next.
    2. On the next page, click Add.
    3. Browse to the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\eaiconn\bts\aic directory and select the AIC component, sscaeiba.dll.
    4. You should see BizTalk.SiebelBizTalkAIC component registered and you should be able to see the AIC interfaces and methods.

      Or, for the HTTP Inbound Transport, browse to the c:\AIC directory (the directory where you originally copied your dll from the Siebel Server machine) and select the AIC component, sscaeibh.dll.

      You should see the Siebel.BizTalkHTTPAIC component registered and you should be able to see the AIC interfaces and methods.

NOTE:  COM+ application functionality is available only with Windows 2000.

Setting Up the AIC Inbound Transport to Run Remotely on the Siebel Server

This section explains how to set up the required components for running the AIC Inbound Transport remotely on the Siebel Server machine.



Copy required BizTalk Dynamic Link Library (DLL) and Type Library (TLB) files from the BizTalk Server to the Siebel Server.

For details, see To copy BizTalk Server DLL and Type Library files to the Siebel Server.


Register the Siebel BizTalk AIC as a COM+ Server Application on the Siebel Server machine.

For details, see To register AIC as a COM+ package remote communication.


Create a COM+ communications link between the Siebel machine and the BizTalk Server machine.

For details, see To create a COM+ package remote communication on the Siebel machine.


Copy the required Siebel Active Server Pages (ASP) to the BizTalk Server machine.

For details, see To configure BizTalk Server Messaging Manager with new ASP files.


Make sure that the Siebel application has the capability to run workflows—BizTalk Server sends named workflows to Siebel application expecting the Siebel application to be able to execute them.For details, see To configure Siebel Server to run Workflow.

To copy BizTalk Server DLL and Type Library files to the Siebel Server

  1. Copy dependency shared DLLs stored in "%Program Files%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Enterprise Servers\Commerce" from BizTalk (Commerce server shared DLL) to the Siebel Server machine:
  2. Open a DOS command prompt window. On the Siebel Server machine:

To register AIC as a COM+ package remote communication

To create a COM+ package remote communication on the Siebel machine

Here you create a COM+ package for the remote communication on the Siebel machine and run on the BizTalk Server machine as Application Proxy.

  1. On the Siebel machine, go to the Start menu. Select Programs > Administrative Tools > Component Services.
  2. In the tree pane, click Component Services, and expand Computers. Under Computers, expand My Computer, and then expand COM+ Applications. Click Siebel BizTalk Adapter (the COM+ Application you created previously—you may have given it a different name). A sample tree pane is shown in the following illustration.
  3. Click for full size image

  4. On the Action menu, click Export.
  5. On the Welcome to COM Application Export Wizard dialog, click Next.
  6. Enter the name of the export installation package to be created.
  7. In the Export As area, select the Application proxy radio button and click Next.
  8. Click Next to finish the wizard. You should see a Thank you page. Click Finish.
  9. You should now have two files, named as you specified in Step 5. The files will have two extensions: .MSI and .cab.

  10. Copy these files to the BizTalk Server machine.
  11. Run the .MSI file to install the remote client for the Siebel AIC that is on the BizTalk Server machine.

To configure BizTalk Server Messaging Manager with new ASP files


   to BizTalk Machine:

      BizTalk installation directory\MessagingManager\pipeline

To configure Siebel Server to run Workflow

The Siebel Application Integration Components receive documents from BizTalk Server and deliver them to the Siebel Workflow specified in the BizTalk Server channel configuration.

AIC also invokes the Siebel Workflow Engine to run the workflow on either the Siebel client or the Siebel Server using ActiveX Data Controls.

NOTE:  See Siebel Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows and Siebel Tools Online Help for details on enabling server components and connecting to Application Object Manager using ADC.

Using the AIC Inbound Transport to Receive Messages from BizTalk

This section explains how to receive messages from BizTalk using the AIC Inbound transport.

NOTE:  Microsoft BizTalk Server must be installed. In addition, the appropriate Siebel application AppObjMgr_Lang (for example, SCCObjMgr_enu) component, Siebel Workflow, and Siebel eBusiness Application Integration (eAI) must be enabled before following the procedure below. See Siebel Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows for more information.



Set up the Siebel AIC Inbound Transport.

For details, see Setting up the AIC Inbound Transport.


Create the workflow to process inbound documents from BizTalk using AIC.

For details, see To create a workflow to receive inbound XML documents over AIC from BizTalk.


After you have created the workflow, you need to supply the workflow information to the Siebel AIC Inbound transport—a pipeline component for BizTalk.

For details, see To supply the workflow information for AIC Inbound.

For AIC inbound connections, you define a workflow to process the inbound documents passed by the BizTalk Server using the Siebel Application Integration Component (AIC). This workflow performs the necessary steps to process the document, depending on the business requirements. For example, it could read the document, perform conversions, update the database, call other business services (such as the Siebel Adapter), and so on. This process gives you immense flexibility in the way an inbound XML document is processed.

To create a workflow to receive inbound XML documents over AIC from BizTalk

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Business Process Administration > Workflow Processes.
  2. Set up the workflow process, as shown below, to receive and process XML document from AIC and give it a name, such as Write XML Doc.
  3. NOTE:  For details on Siebel workflows, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

    1. Create the following two new process properties for your workflow:
    2. Name
      Data Type
      Default String

      NOTE:  AIC passes the XML Document received from BizTalk Server to the process property with Default String set to <Value>. The same process property could be used to retrieve and process the XML document. For example, write this process property to a file or update the Siebel Database by calling EAI Siebel Adapter.

    3. Convert to the property set using the EAI XML Converter with the XML Document to Integration Object Hierarchy method and the following input and output arguments:
    4. Input Argument
      Process Property

      Property Name
      Output Argument
      Output Argument
      Siebel Message

    5. Write to the database using the EAI Siebel Adapter with the Upsert method and the following input argument:
    6. Name
      Siebel Message
      Process Property
      Siebel Message

After you create the workflow, the workflow information must be supplied to the Siebel Application Integration Component (see Step 1 in the To supply the workflow information for AIC Inbound procedure). The Siebel AIC, which is a pipeline component, is implemented as a special kind of COM object that the BizTalk Server state engine calls to deliver data to an application. Therefore, you need to configure a BizTalk Server port and channel in BizTalk to include use of this Siebel AIC pipeline component for application integration.

After you have specified AIC as the primary transport for document interchange with Siebel information, you need to supply BizTalk with configuration data specific to Siebel AIC. You do so by creating a new channel (see Step 2). For details, see Microsoft BizTalk Server documentation.

This data is passed to the Siebel AIC component through the BizTalk Management Desk. One of the configuration items that is passed to the Siebel AIC component is the name of the workflow you defined within the Siebel application. AIC dynamically invokes the Siebel Workflow engine and passes the XML document to the workflow specified in the channel AIC properties.

After Siebel AIC is implemented, the property sheet contains the properties specific to the Siebel AIC implementation, one of which is "Siebel Workflow Name."

You can optionally create maps using BizTalk Mapper if data transformation is required for the documents received by Siebel application from the external application. For information on the mapping capabilities of BizTalk, see Microsoft BizTalk Server online documentation.

To supply the workflow information for AIC Inbound

  1. Run the BizTalk Server Messaging Manager on the BizTalk Server machine.
    1. Set up a Home Organization for Siebel applications, such as Siebel Sales.
    2. Set up a Siebel Trading Partner to be the Destination Organization, such as Oracle.
    3. Create new document specification for the XDR document definition stored in WebDav.
    4. Set up a new BizTalk Server port to send the document to the Siebel application with the Primary Transport of Application Integration Component—BizTalk SiebelBizTalkAIC.Using BizTalk Messaging Manager, create a new port named Siebel AIC BTS.
    5. Specify the primary transport type to be Application Integration Component.
    6. Specify the Component Name to be the AIC component name, BizTalk.AppIntegrationSiebel.
    7. Save your work.
    8. BizTalk is now configured to deliver messages to Siebel BizTalk AIC.

  2. Set up a new channel for the port created in Step d.
    1. Configure the Advanced properties in the final Channel Configuration page.
    2. Provide the Siebel Workflow name to be invoked as previously defined in Step 2 of To create a workflow to receive inbound XML documents over AIC from BizTalk.
    3. Enter the user name, password, and connect string for the Active X Data Control to connect to Siebel Server. For example:
    4. host="siebel.tcpip.none.none://HOST/EnterpriseServer/SCCObjMgr_enu/SiebelServer" lang="ENU"


      HOST = the machine name where the Siebel Gateway is installed.

      lang = the language of the Siebel Server. The default lang is ENU, but for other languages you have to provide this value. Also note that the quotes shown in the example are required.

      CAUTION:  Make sure the connect string you type is using the correct format, including the use of quotes. The correct connect string format is very important in order for ADC to correctly connect to Siebel Server.

  3. Configure a File Receive Function from BizTalk Server Administration to poll a file location and deliver to the channel configured in Step 2.
  4. NOTE:  This example uses File Transport to receive documents from trading partners for the sake of illustration. In your actual business situations, a trading partner can deliver messages to a Siebel application over any supported transport.

    1. Open BizTalk Server Administration, expand Microsoft BizTalk Server, and expand the server group to which you want to add the File receive function.
    2. Select Receive Functions.
    3. Choose Action > New > File Receive Function and provide the information.
      • Name. The name of the File receive function, such as Oracle to Siebel AIC.
      • Comment. Add a brief description (optional).
      • Server. Server on which the receive function run.
      • Polling Location. Enter c:\AIC.
      • NOTE:  This is the location where you copy the XML Instance you created earlier. The channel can then pick it up from there and send it to the Siebel application.

      • File Types To Poll For. Type the extension of the files that BizTalk Server receives. In this case, type *.xml.
    4. Click the Advanced tab and enter a Channel Name, such as AIC Oracle To Siebel Channel.
  5. Click OK to finish.

 Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III 
 Published: 23 June 2003