Siebel Employee Relationship Management Administration Guide > Setting Up Siebel HelpDesk >

Setting Up Siebel HelpDesk Entitlements

Siebel HelpDesk provides service entitlement verification of registered users in addition to the standard contact authentication at login. If entitlement verification is active when a user tries to create, update, or view a service request, the application verifies that the user is listed as a contact for a currently valid service entitlement.

To add an employee to an entitlement

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Agreements > All Agreements Across Organizations.
  2. In the Agreements list, select the agreement to which the entitlement belongs and drill down on the Name hyperlink.
  3. The Agreement form appears.

  4. Click the Entitlements view tab.
  5. In the Entitlements list, select an existing entitlement from the current agreement, and then complete the necessary fields.
  6. Click the Contacts view tab, and in the Contacts list, add a record.
  7. In the Add Contacts dialog box, select a contact, and then click OK.
  8. In the Contacts list, click in the Internet field to activate the Internet flag.
  9. NOTE:  You can also create a new record or new entitlement as needed in from the All Employees - HelpDesk view.

For more information on setting up service-level agreements, see Siebel Field Service Guide.

 Siebel Employee Relationship Management Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003