Siebel eEnergy Guide > Billing >

Accessing or Updating Billing Information

Siebel eEnergy allows end users to access the same invoice information through different views. By selecting one view or another, end users can find the information most relevant to them, according to the procedure they need to perform at that moment.

Most views allow end users to record interactions with a customer and to update the customer's information, depending on the system setup and the end user's access rights.

From these views, end users can access information on billing, such as the account balance, invoice history, payment history, and adjustment history.

NOTE:  The procedures described in this chapter contain the most frequently used method for performing each task, including which view to access, although other methods may exist.

End-User Views

The end-user views are:

Sequence for Accessing Billing Information

To resolve customer inquiries, end users first locate the billing account, where they generally record payments. For most other transactions, end users record information at the invoice level.

End users can access the most recent invoice or retrieve past invoices. They can view invoice details, such as line items, after selecting the invoice. In addition, they can view the image of an already-sent invoice bill in HTML format.

NOTE:  Some customers have a consolidated billing account for a number of service items. Siebel eEnergy allows end users to view charges associated with a billing account, service account, or parent account. For more information about accounts and subaccounts, see Accounts.

To access the Billing Portal view

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen.
  2. In the Accounts list, select the account.
  3. Click the Billing Portal view tab.
  4. The Billing Portal view appears with several lists and forms summarizing the billing information for that account.

To access the Invoice views

  1. Navigate to the Invoices screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.
  3. When you select All External Invoices, the Invoices list displays the bills that have been generated by an external system. The information found in the Invoices list (header information) is generally stored in the Siebel database. However, due to the large volume of data, it is not recommended that your company store the Invoice Line Item information in the Siebel database, but instead access that data in real time through integration.

    NOTE:  When you select All Invoices from the Show drop-down list, the Invoices list displays all invoices, including external invoices.

  4. In the Invoices list, perform a query in the Bill To Account field for the account name.
  5. The Invoices list displays all invoices for that account, sorted by invoice number.

  6. In the Invoices list, select the invoice you want to view.
  7. Click a view tab to access specific information for that account.

To view invoice line items

  1. Navigate to the Invoices screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.
  3. In the Invoices list, drill down on the Invoice # hyperlink.
  4. The Invoices form appears with the Line Items list beneath it. From the Invoices form, end users can also click the Pay, Adjust, or Usage Detail buttons to continue with a transaction.

  5. If the service item does not appear in the list, perform a query.
  6. For example, enter the service ID in the Service field.

To view the image of an invoice

  1. Navigate to the Invoices screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.
  3. In the Invoices list, select an invoice.
  4. Click the Invoice Image view tab.
  5. The invoice appears as a graphic at the URL that the administrator set up. For instructions on setting up this feature, see Setting Up the Invoice Image Feature (Administrator).

To view the invoice history

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen.
  2. In the Accounts list, select an account.
  3. Click the Billing Portal view tab.
  4. The Invoice History list displays the most current records for the invoice.

  5. If the information does not appear in the Invoice History, perform a query to access the correct records.
  6. Drill down on the Invoice # hyperlink.
  7. In the Line Items list, click the view tab for the information you want to view.

 Siebel eEnergy Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003