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Hard constraints

Rules that the Optimizer or Appointment Booking processes must satisfy. Solutions that do not satisfy these rules are discarded. For appointment booking, all constraints use only hard rules. For optimization, rules can be either hard or soft.

hierarchical attribute

A logical rollup of attribute family levels that facilitates drilldown in segments and suppression views—for example, rolling up postal codes to state, region, or country.

hierarchical list applet

Displays hierarchically organized data in an expandable list format. Elements in the list can be expanded to show subordinate elements by clicking the plus (+) icon. Click the minus (-) icon to collapse an expanded hierarchy. Levels of indentation represent hierarchical relationships.


See dimensional hierarchy.


A person, an organization, or a company that owns the account or security.


Typically shares of securities or mutual funds but may be other types of investments such as real estate properties.

household number

A unique numeric value that identifies the household from all other households.

housing expense ratio

The percentage of gross monthly income that goes toward paying housing expenses.


The way in which a contact center allows agents to share computer and telephone equipment.

HTML template

An HTML model or style file for generating a Web template containing both standard HTML and Siebel tags. Information in the HTML template file is combined with information stored in the Web template object definition in the repository to generate the final HTML output.

 Published: 22 April 2003