Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Data Filtering > Administration of PDQ Filters >

Companion Deployments

Administrators typically provide their users with an initial set of PDQ filters and instruct them how to manage the synchronization filters themselves later. Create the desired Default, General, and All Records PDQ Synchronization filters in the Siebel Server database, using the Application Administration >Predefined Queries screen, or from within the Siebel application screen with which the PDQ is associated. After the appropriate PDQs are created, make the PDQs public by deselecting the Private flag. The next time the users synchronize, their local databases are updated with the new PDQs.

In addition to using administrator-defined PDQs, Companion Sync (CS) users can define their own synchronization filters in Siebel Web Client or Siebel Mobile Web Client applications using the special naming conventions. See the previous section, Predefined Query Filters for more information on filter naming conventions. Synchronization filters (PDQs) created by a user are initially available for use only by that user. A user-defined PDQ can be made public by clearing the Private field in the PDQ record in the Predefined Queries view of the Application Administration screen.

NOTE:  If you create a PDA PDQ, you need to restart the Handheld Component for that new PDQ to get registered as part of a Handheld synchronization.

There are several sample PDQs in the sample database, as well as in the Siebel 7 seed data.

 Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003