Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Working with Siebel Handheld Applications > Navigating the Handheld Interface >

Navigating a List of Records

Within the view you select from the Show drop-down list, you can view detailed information on a record. When records are displayed in a list, you can drill down or drill across the record to get additional details.

Drilling down occurs when you tap a hyperlink in a record and are taken to another view within the current screen. For example, if you are in the Accounts screen, and tap the Account Name hyperlink, you navigate to the details for that account. You do not leave the Accounts screen; you just move deeper into it.

NOTE:  Hyperlinks are indicated by blue underlined text as long as they are set up this way in User Preferences. For more information see Setting User Preferences.

Drilling across a record occurs when you tap a hyperlink in a record and are taken to another view in a different screen. For example, tapping a hyperlink in the Accounts column of a contact record in the Contacts screen takes you to the record for that account in the Accounts screen.

Dynamic drilldown occurs when you tap a hyperlink in a record and are taken to another screen or just another view. Where you navigate to depends on the content in the drilldown field.

 Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003