Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Using Siebel Sales Handheld > Managing Customer Relationships >

Business Scenario

While working away from his desk, a sales manager receives a call from a customer who wants to visit the sales manager's company for an executive summary meeting. The customer also wants the sales team to perform a product demonstration. The sales manager schedules the meeting using his handheld. After his next synchronization, the meeting appears on calendars of his team members. The sales manager delegates the tasks required to prepare for the meeting, such as preparing presentation slides, reserving a conference room, and configuring the demo system. These activities appear in the sales manager's Activities screen and calendar for the customer's account.

As the sales manager and his team members complete the activities, the activities are marked as done, providing key status information about the opportunity.

 Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003