Siebel Service Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Data Filtering >

Service Handheld Filters

The purpose of the handheld data filters is to identify a select amount of data that is downloaded to the device. The Service data filters use a QBE and PDQ to identify the activities that are downloaded. All other data is selected based on their relationship to these activities.

Before you begin designing your own filters or customizing the default QBE and PDQ filters, it is recommended that you read this section to understand the preconfigured filters. The filters are very tightly configured—that is, the repository configuration defines a very complex set of relationships between the business components—and, in combination with the PDQs and QBEs, this results in downloading a very select and finite number of records. This is designed for optimal synchronization and application performance.

In addition, see Using Service Handheld to see how the preconfigured application works and how the relationship between the business components is implemented in the application.

 Siebel Service Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003