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Defining Charge Codes, Taxes, and Service Charges

This section describes charge codes, taxes, and services charges and their relationship to each other as well as to products and properties.

In Siebel eHospitality, taxes are associated with properties because properties have different taxes regulated by geographic location. Taxes are associated with service charges because some service charges may be subject to federal, state, or county tax. Charge codes link the taxes and the service charges to products by way of product categories and subcategories.

Charge codes can be associated with multiple taxes and multiple service charges. Service charges can also be associated with multiple taxes. Taxes, in turn, can be associated with multiple properties.

The process of defining charge codes, taxes, and service charges makes it possible for an events manager to choose a product for an event and have charge codes, taxes, and service charges automatically assigned to the line items.

For example, you might have a charge code that is associated with two taxes (one for Berkeley and one for Los Angeles) and with two service charges (one that is taxable and one that is not). Figure 5 shows how a local charge code is related to the taxes, service charges, and properties associated with that charge code. Similar relationships exist for other kinds of charge codes.

Figure 5. Relationship Between Charge Codes, Taxes, Service Charges, and Properties

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Use the Tax Administration screen to define charge codes, taxes, and service charges. The procedures involved are:

TIP:  It is recommended that, to the extent possible, you define charge codes, taxes, and service charges before creating associations between these entities.

For more information about charge codes, taxes, and service charges and their relationships, see Associating Charge Codes, Taxes, and Service Charges.

 Siebel eHospitality Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003