Siebel eHospitality Guide > Using Siebel eHospitality After Events > Understanding Orders, Checks, and Invoices >

Working with Checks During Events

Ordinarily, event operations staff members open an event check early on the day when the associated order's goods and services will be provided. The process of opening an event check adds an invoice number to the order record and changes the value of the order's Status field to "Event Check," It also creates a new invoice record with a status of "Open," although this is not automatically displayed. Some fields in the new invoice record are automatically populated at this time.

An event check can be opened individually, for a selected order, or event checks can be opened simultaneously for all orders to be filled on a given day. If event checks are opened for all of a day's orders at once, the process is called opening a day, rather than opening an event check.

Once an event check has been opened, whether individually or as part of a day, events operations staff can make any necessary changes to the associated order and function line items, so that the line items reflect the exact items and quantities actually supplied, rather than items and quantities ordered beforehand.

 Siebel eHospitality Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003