Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide > Troubleshooting Incentive Compensation >

Sales Hierarchy Error Messages

If a sales hierarchy process is stopped prematurely or encounters a problem, an error message appears. You can use these messages to troubleshoot and correct the problem. The error message and meanings are described in Table 49.

Table 49.  Sales Hierarchy Error Messages
Error Message
Cannot correctly generate reporting relationship records. Please make sure that there is an active hierarchy version selected.
This message appears if you click Regenerate Reporting Relationship without selecting a hierarchy version. This is unusual because the menu item is ordinarily disabled when a version is not selected.
This Sales Hierarchy cannot be deleted. One or more Sales Hierarchy Versions have been created from it.
If a hierarchy version is created for a hierarchy, the hierarchy record cannot be deleted.
Cannot correctly generate wide reporting relationship records; the hierarchy version has too many levels.
If the hierarchy version has more than 11 levels, the reporting relationship table for analytics cannot be correctly generated.
Only one In Progress version can exist per Hierarchy at any time.
Within any hierarchy, only one hierarchy version can have an In Progress status. If you want to create another In Progress version to be edited, you must submit the current one first.
Method %1 was not invoked with the right number or type of arguments.
This message indicates that a Credit Engine-Container Rollup-Quota Rolldown query hierarchy does not produce sufficient information. This message is cached and handled internally. Normally, it is not displayed to an end user.
Sales Hierarchy Version %1 has more than one root Territory, %2 and %3. Sales Hierarchy Version should have only one root Territory.
This Sales Hierarchy version has multiple territories at the root level.
Hierarchy Version %1 does not have a root Territory.
This Sales Hierarchy version has no territory at the root level.
Drill down on an Achievement Containers requires the Plan Participant to be on a Sales Hierarchy. Currently, Plan Participant '%1' does not belong to any Hierarchy.
When you drill down from Container to the Sales Hierarchy Explorer to see transactions, the plan participant position (on which you drilled down) is not defined within any hierarchy.
Start Date cannot be earlier than the previously approved Start Date.
This message appears when you are approving a hierarchy version, and the start date is incorrect. The message indicates the hierarchy version to be approved has a start date earlier than the start date of the previously approved version.
Territory %1 is defined with a different Hierarchy than Sales Hierarchy %2. Territory must use the same Hierarchy where it is referenced.
This message appears when you validate-submit-approve a hierarchy version. It indicates that the current hierarchy version includes a territory from a different hierarchy.
Sales Hierarchy Version %1 has an invalid reference to Territory %2.
This message appears in two cases:
  • When you select the parent territory in the Explorer view. It indicates that the selected parent is a descendant of the currently selected child. This produces a circling reference in the hierarchy. .
  • If you directly import or modify database records and your action results in a circling reference (outside of the UI ), the system generates this error message when you try to validate-submit-approve the hierarchy version.
Territory %1 has not been approved.
You have tried to approve a hierarchy version, and one or more territories are not yet approved. Submit the territories for approval.
This Territory cannot be deleted. It has been included in one or more Sales Hierarchy Versions.
If a territory is referenced in a hierarchy version, the territory record cannot be deleted.
Territories should have only one effective owner at any given time.
This sales territory has either zero or more than one owner at a given time during its effective period.
Same position cannot be used as both Owner and Other at the same time.
This sales territory has one position role as both Owner and Other at a given time.
Start Date cannot be earlier than the previously approved Start Date.
This message appears when you are approving a hierarchy version, and the start date is incorrect.The message indicates the hierarchy version to be approved has a start date earlier than the start date of the previously approved version.
Position %1 is not assignable between allocation start date %2 and end date %3.
One territory position is assigned credit during a period when the position itself is not assignable.
A Position cannot have more than one effective Credit Allocation per rule at the same time.
A territory position cannot be assigned credit more than one time in the same rule.
Territory %1 has been referenced more than once in Sales Hierarchy Version %2. Territory should only get referenced once in a Sales Hierarchy Version.
A territory has been referenced more than one time in a version.
Business Component %1 Range Validation Method %2 Failed.
The range validation defined in the business component user property failed.
Range Validation cannot be done with fields of different types.
The range validation defined in the component user property is attempting to compare two fields of different types.
Territory %1 is not effective within the effective date of Sales Hierarchy Version %2.
Territory should be effective throughout the effective period of the hierarchy version in which it is referenced.
One of more positions in the territory have Credit Allocations with overlapping effective dates from different Credit Rules under the same Territory. Please verify that only one of the rules can succeed at any given time. Multiple credit from the same Territory assigned to the same Position will cause a crediting error.
This message indicates that there is a position associated with the territory that could be allocated credit more than one time at the same time from different rules. This situation could cause a crediting error. Rules must be mutually exclusive, so that at a given time, only one rule succeeds and allocates credit to the position.

 Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003