Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference > Pageset Functions > BuildTarget >

Subconfiguration Link Output Targets

Set the type argument for the BuildTarget function to SUBCONFIG_LINK to create a subconfiguration link output target. Use a subconfiguration link output target to navigate to the user interface of a child pageset from its parent pageset, or from the child pageset back to the user interface of its parent pageset.

The syntax used to create a subconfiguration link output target is:


Name of the relative instance that describes the subconfigured child pageset.

NOTE:  Pagesets must be located in the application pg subdirectory.


The following sample code links from a parent page to a BURGER child page:



</SCRIPT>Link to Hamburger</a>

Similarly, a child page links to its parent page using the following sample code:



</SCRIPT>Link to Burger Meal</a>

Subconfiguration link output targets can link a child pageset, or a nested parent pageset, to the topmost parent pageset by using the reserved word TOP as the instanceName argument:

Done selecting cheese for your burger?


document.write(ISS.BuildTarget("SUBCONFIG_LINK", window,"TOP");)

</SCRIPT>Link to Burger Meal</a>

Also, subconfiguration link output targets can link one child pageset to another by using the syntax PARENT:CHILD as the instanceName argument:

Done creating your burger?


document.write(ISS.BuildTarget("SUBCONFIG_LINK", window,"PARENT:FRIES");)

</SCRIPT>Would you like fries with that?</a>

 Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003