Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference > Pageset Functions > BuildTarget >

Optional Subconfiguration Link Output Targets

Set the type argument for the BuildTarget function to OPT_SUBCONFIG_LINK to create an optional subconfiguration link output target. Use an optional subconfiguration link output target when a pageset is used for both a subconfigured item and a standalone item.

For example, if your application allows users to build fast food value meals, suppose that a user wanted to buy a drink without purchasing any food. By using an optional subconfiguration target link to the parent pageset on the DRINK pageset, the same DRINK pageset could be used, regardless of whether the person is ordering a value meal.

A subconfiguration link back to the parent is not appropriate unless the user arrives at the pageset from a parent pageset. The optional link does not appear unless the user arrives from a parent pageset.

The syntax to create an optional subconfiguration link output target is:

BuildTarget("OPT_SUBCONFIG_LINK",window,instanceName,preText,postT ext)

HTML and text to be written before the optional subconfiguration link output target.
HTML and text to be written after the optional subconfiguration link output target.

NOTE:  Pagesets must be located in the application pg subdirectory.


Use the following sample code:


window, "PARENT","<TR><TD>","Link to Burger Meal</A>



"<TR><TD><a HREF="javascript:InstanceWrapper ('PARENT','window')">Link to Burger Meal</A></TD>

if there is a parent. If there is not a parent, it returns an empty string (" ").

 Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003