Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Using Analysis > Example Workflow for Analysis >

Defining Payer and Plan Information

You can use the Payer Administration view to define payer and plan information. This information appears in the plan and payment type-based views in the Analysis screen.

To add a payer

  1. From the application level menu, choose View > Site Map > Application Administration > Payer.
  2. Click the New button and complete the fields in the new record.
  3. Some of the fields are described in the following table.

    Required. Three types are supported: Total, Plan, and Payer.
    Required. Enter the name of the payer, plan, or payment type. If you selected Plan in the Type field, enter the plan name.
    Account Name
    If relevant, select the payer account, or add a new account for the payer in the Pick Account dialog box.
    Account Site
    Read-only. The location of the plan.
    IMS Id
    The identifier assigned to the plan by the syndicated data provider.

 Siebel Life Sciences Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003