Siebel Marketing Guide > Campaign Plans and Campaigns > Using Response Management >

Response Type Definitions

The information captured and stored in the More Info and Response Details forms depends on the response type selected. Table 62 identifies the fields in which information is captured and what that information is.

NOTE:  A Response is not automatically created when you click a Related Events link in an email or Web offer. Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns do not provide responses for Clicked on Related Event.


Table 62.  Response Type Fields in the Response Details Form
Response Type
Field Name
Captured Information and Description
Clicked on Product URL
Name of the product. (The list of product URLs the respondent clicked appears in the Responses screen, Products view.)
Clicked on Web Offer
Name of the Web offer that was clicked.
Clicked on Web Survey
Name of the Web survey that was clicked.
Completed Web Survey
Name of the Web survey that was clicked.
Downloaded Info Files
Downloaded File
Name of the downloaded file.
Subject of the file.
Optional comment.
Email Bounceback
Subject of the file.
Optional comment.
Email Reply
Subject of the file.
Optional comment.
Read Receipt
Not applicable
An optional response type that requires additional configuration to support automatic creation.
Marketers can embed an HTML tag in HTML emails that allows Siebel Marketing to count each time the email is opened (read). The read receipt tag contains an image request. When that image is requested it is interpreted as an opened email. Additional configuration is required to construct an Active Server Page (ASP) or Java Server Page (JSP) to receive the image request and create the response record in Siebel Marketing. For additional information, see Technical Note 443 on SupportWeb.
Requested Call Back
Phone #
Respondent's phone number.
Time of day
Allows the respondent to specify a preference for the time of callback. Choices are Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
Priority level of the callback request. Choices are Urgent, High, Medium, and Low.
Automatically stores the comments for a Web-generated response or can be edited manually.
Can store the subject line of an inbound email or be edited manually.The list of products for which the respondent requested a callback appears in the Responses screen, Products list.
Requested More Info
Ship Method
The preferred method of delivery—direct mail, email, fax, or phone— that the customer has specified be used for delivery of information.
Fax number, if the delivery method is fax.
Email address, if the delivery method is email.
Phone number, if the delivery method is phone.
Automatically stores the comments for a Web-generated response. Other comments may be entered manually.
Can store the subject line of an inbound email or be edited manually.
Street Address, City, State, ZIP, Country
The address to which the information will be mailed if the preferred delivery method is direct mail.
The list of products for which the respondent requested information appears in the Responses screen, Products list.
Requested Unsubscribe Response
Email, Fax, Phone, Direct Mail
The choices are subscribe and unsubscribe.
Time of Day (Subscribe by phone)
Allows the respondent to specify a preference for a time if the respondent wishes to subscribe by telephone. Choices are Morning, Afternoon and Evening.
Can store the subject line of an inbound email or be edited manually
Contents of the email. Applies only to campaign responses.
Respondent Purchased
Not applicable
This response is not created automatically. You must use Siebel Business Process Designer to capture responses of this type.
The orders for this purchase are displayed in the Responses screen's Orders view.
Respondent Unreachable
Optional comment.
Response Created Opportunity
The list of opportunities can be accessed by selecting the Responses Opportunities view.
Unclassified Response
Not applicable
The response does not fall into one of the main response type categories or is a campaign response that requires manual processing.
Subject of the email. Applies only to campaign responses.
Contents of the email. Applies only to campaign responses.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003