Siebel Marketing Guide > Creating Source Code, List Formats, and Vendor Profiles > Working With Output File Layouts >

Creating and Modifying Seed Lists for Output File Layouts

Use the List Management views to add or edit prospects that you want to designate as seeds. Then compile those prospects as a new internal list, which can be chosen as a seed list in the Marketing Administration screen's Output File Layouts view.

To add prospects and create a seed list

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map >List Management > Prospects.
  2. In the Prospects list, create a new record.
  3. In the More Info form, complete the necessary fields for the prospect that will be used as a quality control seed and save the record.
  4. NOTE:  Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 to add more prospects.

  5. In the Prospects list, select the name of each quality control prospect that you want to include in the seed list.
  6. TIP:  Use CTRL select to choose nonsequential and SHIFT select to choose sequential names in the prospects list.

  7. In the Prospects list, click New Internal List.
  8. From the Show drop-down list, select Lists.
  9. In the Lists list, find the list record with a name consisting of your user ID and the date and time that you created the list.
  10. Rename the seed list, if desired.

To change the name of the seed list

  1. In the Prospect Lists list, drill down on the list name.
  2. In the List Name field, edit the name and save the record.

For information on associating the seed list with a marketing program list, see Working With Output File Layouts.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003