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Table 56 lists a summary of the Application Methods syntax.

Table 56.  Application Methods Syntax Summary
Returns the business object for the business component of the active applet.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim oBusObject as BusObject
Set oBusObject = oApplication.ActiveBusObject

Function that returns the name of the active view.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim sView as String
sView = oApplication.ActiveViewName

Returns the three-letter operating currency code.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim sCur as String
sCur = oApplication.CurrencyCode

Instantiates and returns a new instance of the argument-specified business object.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim oBusObject as BusObject
set oBusObject = oApplication.GetBusObject busobject as String

Returns the value of an attribute in a user profile.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim sAttr as String
SAttr = oApplication.GetProfileAttr(name as String)

Instantiates and returns a new instance of the argument-specified service.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim oService as Service
set oService = oApplication.GetService(serviceName as String)

Gets the shared user-defined global variables.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim sName as String
sName = Application.GetSharedGlobal(varName as String)

Activates the named view and its business object.

Dim oApplication as Application
oApplication.GotoView viewName as String, [BusinessObjectName as string]

Calls the named specialized method.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim sReturn as String
sReturn = oApplication.InvokeMethod(methodName as String, methodArgs as String or StringArray)

Function that returns the login ID of the user who started the Siebel application.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim sID as String
iID = oApplication.LoginId

Function that returns the login name of the user who started the Siebel application.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim sUser as String
sUser = oApplication.LoginName

Constructs and returns a new property set object.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim oPropSet as ProperySet
oPropSet = oApplication.NewPropertySet()

Function that returns the position ID that describes the user's current position.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim sRow as String
sRow = oApplication.PositionId

Function that returns the position name of the user's current position.

Dim oApplication as Application
Dim sPosition as String
sPosition = oApplication.PositionName

Raises a scripting error message to the browser. The error code is a canonical number.

Dim oApplication as Application
oApplication.RaiseError keyValue as String, parma1 as String, ...

Raises a scripting error message to the browser. The error text is the specified literal string.

Dim oApplication as Application
oApplication.RaiseErrorText message as String

Sets the active position to the position ID specified in the argument.

Dim oApplication as Application
oApplication.SetPositionIdposId as string

Sets the active position to the position name specified in the argument. Returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not method succeeded.

Dim oApplication as Application
oApplication.SetPositionNameposName as string

Used in personalization to assign values to attributes in a user profile.

Dim oApplication as Application
oApplication.SetProfileAttr name as String, value as String

Sets a shared user-defined global variable.

Dim oApplication as Application
oApplication.SetSharedGlobal varName as String, value as String

Appends a message to the trace file.

Dim oApplication as Application
oApplication.Trace message as String

Turns off the tracing started by TraceOn.

Dim oApplication as Application

Turns tracing on.

Dim oApplication as Application
oApplication.TraceOn filename as String, type as Integer, selection as String

Table 57 lists a summary of the Application Events.

Table 57.  Application Events Summary
Called before the application exits.


Called after the client has navigated to a view.

Application_Navigate (As String)

Called after a specialized method is invoked.

Application_InvokeMethod(methodName as String)

Called before a specialized method is invoked.

Application_PreInvokeMethod(methodName as String)

Called before the client has navigated from one view to the next.

Application_PreNavigate (DestViewName, DestBusObjName As String) As Integer

Called when the client starts.

Application_Start(commandLine as String)

 Siebel Object Interfaces Reference 
 Published: 18 June 2003