Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >


Siebel Object Types > Link

Specifies the relationship between two business components. The relationship can be one-to-many (1:M), such as parent/child, or many-to-many (M:M).


Valid Values/Examples
Cascade Delete (O)
Indicates what action to perform on detail business component records of the link if the master is deleted.
Do not set to DELETE if the child business component in this link is also a child business component in another link. In this case, use CLEAR instead.
Also for DELETE, you have to check to see if the Table referenced by the child business component is used by another business component that is the child business component in another link.
For example, assume you have two links: Contact/Action and Contact/Activity Plan. Action and Activity Plan are based on the same table. You have to make sure the setting of Cascade Delete is Clear for both links.
Cascade Delete must be set to NONE for many-to-many links. With a many-to-many link, Siebel applications will automatically delete the intersection record but will leave the child record intact as it may have many other parents.
When you delete a record that is pointed to by foreign keys of other tables, the references to it may or may not be deleted. If those references are not deleted, the user is left with row IDs that point to nonexistent records. In the case of multi-value groups, sometimes these foreign keys are converted to "No Match Row Id".
In other words, if multiple links exist that refer to the same tables, you must make sure that the Cascade Delete property is consistent among all of those links.
Valid values:
CLEAR = The foreign key reference is removed.
DELETE = The child records are deleted.
NONE = No operations are performed on the child record.
Child Business Component (R)
The name of the business component whose data is determined by the business component defined by the Parent Business Component property.
Destination Field (R+)
The name of a child business component's field that is used to logically join to the parent business component.
(+) Required for 1:M links.
Inter Child Column (R+)
The name of the column of the database intersection table that links the intersection table to the child business component. The name is case-sensitive and must be specified the same as it is in the database.
(+) Required for M:M links.
Inter Child Delete (O)
A TRUE or FALSE value.
TRUE = Deletes both the association and the child record when deleted through the child record's applet.
FALSE = Only the child record's association is deleted. Specified in M:M links only.
Inter Parent Column (R+)
The name of the column of the database intersection table that links the intersection table to the parent business component. The name is case-sensitive and must be specified the same as it is in the database.
(+) Required for M:M links.
Inter Table (R+)
The name of the database intersection table. The name is case-sensitive and must be specified the same as it is in the database.
(+) Required for M:M links.
Name (R)
A name for the link. The name can contain spaces and must be unique among links. All references to the link are done through its name.
In general, this property is internally managed and should not be changed unless necessary.
No Associate (O)
A TRUE or FALSE value.
If TRUE, the association applet is prevented from appearing when creating a New record for the child in a M:M relationship. Accordingly, the user is forced to enter a new record and is not given the option of associating an existing one.
Specified for M:M links only.
TRUE = Specifies that no new associations can be created through the link. New detail records may be added.
This property is ignored if the current view is in Admin Mode.
No Delete (O)
A TRUE or FALSE value.
TRUE = Prevents deletion of child records through the link.
No Insert (O)
A TRUE or FALSE value.
Specified for 1:M links only.
See also the No Associate property for this object type.
TRUE = Prevents creation of child records through the link.
No Inter Delete (O)
A TRUE or FALSE value.
Applies only to M:M relationships.
TRUE = Associated intersection table records will never be deleted.
FALSE (default)= Deletes the associated intersection table records when either a parent or a child record is deleted.
No Update (O)
A TRUE or FALSE value.
TRUE = Updating is not allowed.
Parent Business Component (R)
The name of the business component whose data will determine what records, if any, are retrieved by the child business component (defined by the Child Business Component property).
Primary Id Field (O)
Specifies the name of the field in the master business component that holds the row ID values pointing to primary records in the detail business component.
Search Specification (O)
A conditional expression used to restrict the records retrieved. Applied to the child business component when the link is active.
Sort Spec (O)
A sorting expression used in an association list to order the detail records retrieved.
Specified for M:M links only.
Source Field (O)
The name of a parent business component's field that is used to link to the child business component. The source field is a unique identifier for rows in the parent business component. Typically it is the field that maps to the ROW_ID column in the parent business component's base table and that has the name Id.
This is not a field that appears in the list of fields in the Object List Editor for the business component. The Id field appears only in picklists for properties such as Source Field in object types like Link. The default value for Source Field is Id, which means that a blank value for this property is the same as selecting Id.
Visibility Auto All (O)
A TRUE or FALSE value.
TRUE = If the user has access to any "All" views, then visibility for child business component will be All; otherwise visibility is determined by the Visibility Type property.
Visibility Rule Applied (O)
A value that indicates how visibility rules should be applied when in a view using this link. Visibility settings in a view apply to the applet specified in the Visibility Applet property. If there is a master-detail relationship between this applet and an applet displaying detail records, then use the Visibility Rule Applied property to allow users to see detail records that they would not see because of visibility rules. Users are not allowed to drill down to see the complete records.
Manager visibility is never applied to child business components regardless of the value of the Visibility Rule Applied property.
Valid values are:
  • Always = Allows visibility rules in the detail records when the current master-detail view is based on this link, even though the view does not have active visibility settings in the Visibility Applet and Visibility Applet Type properties.
  • Never = Disables visibility rules in the detail records when the current view is based on this link.
Visibility Type (O)
Determines the visibility type when the business component appears as a child in the given link.
For more information, read Visibility Auto All (O).


Siebel Object Types > Link


When naming a link, the Siebel application convention is to use the parent business component and child business component names separated by a slash (/).

Calendar Business Component

The Calendar business component should not be used as the master or detail business component in a link.

 Object Types Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003