Performance Tuning Guide > Tuning Siebel Workflow for Performance > Monitoring Workflow Policies >

Monitoring the S_ESCL_ACTN_REQ Table

Figure 5 shows the S_ESCL_ACTN_REQ table.

Figure 5.  S_ESCL_ACTN_REQ Table
Click for full size image

The S_ESCL_ACTN_REQ table contains all the rows that are awaiting action execution. These rows have violated the policy; and the time duration element, if any, has expired.

Use your database tools to monitor the size and efficiency of the S_ESCL_ACTN_REQ table. If the table becomes very large, this could indicate that the number of policies being monitored is too large for the current number of Workflow Policies processes and a new Workflow Policies process needs to be created to share the load.

If rows are being monitored, but are not being removed after the time interval is met, this could indicate that a policy was deactivated without removing the database triggers. The triggers are continuing to send data that is not being acted on by a Workflow Policies process.

NOTE:  If you expire or delete any active Workflow Policies, confirm that no outstanding records are in the S_ESCL_REQ, S_ESCL_STATE, or S_ESCL_ACTN_REQ tables.

 Performance Tuning Guide 
 Published: 24 October 2003